Monthly update:
Turkey is good.
Ham is better.
I LOVE pumpkin pie.
Tony Hawk 4 for PS1 is the bomb!
Other people's families are always way cooler than your own.
Family dinners at home are WAY cooler than eating out at Cracker Barrel.
Christmas trees from the mountains rock! \M/
I wish I was Santa and Nicci was my half-naked elf.
I am planning on buying my first rap cd ever.
Fayetteville is scary.
All the flowers are dead and it's time to break out the leaf blower and burn branches.
UNO Deluxe is cool because it has it's own special box. And it comes with a free pencil (not sharpened).
My N64 is finally feeling used likes to be used. (Although I do miss my GameCube....damn Pepsi!)
I need a shower. Then food. Then shopping. Playing pool and drinking beer intermittently. I'm gonna wear my new panties.
Oh! And people shouldn't trick you into buying cute socks and then you get home and find out that they are actually legwarmers....which are still VERY cute, but I have to wear more socks underneath them.
**You are now returned to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.
Turkey is good.
Ham is better.
I LOVE pumpkin pie.
Tony Hawk 4 for PS1 is the bomb!
Other people's families are always way cooler than your own.
Family dinners at home are WAY cooler than eating out at Cracker Barrel.
Christmas trees from the mountains rock! \M/
I wish I was Santa and Nicci was my half-naked elf.
I am planning on buying my first rap cd ever.
Fayetteville is scary.
All the flowers are dead and it's time to break out the leaf blower and burn branches.
UNO Deluxe is cool because it has it's own special box. And it comes with a free pencil (not sharpened).
My N64 is finally feeling used likes to be used. (Although I do miss my GameCube....damn Pepsi!)
I need a shower. Then food. Then shopping. Playing pool and drinking beer intermittently. I'm gonna wear my new panties.
Oh! And people shouldn't trick you into buying cute socks and then you get home and find out that they are actually legwarmers....which are still VERY cute, but I have to wear more socks underneath them.
**You are now returned to your regularly scheduled program already in progress.