Wednesday Aug 20, 2003 Aug 20, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email If sheep go to heaven, and goats go to hell, where do the monkeys go? VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS nicci: I lolololooooove you! I'm sorry I missed 80's night! I'm glad you're coming tonight, though! *Kisses* Aug 29, 2003 muggan_music: i have tons of ideas for your special cheer. its gonna be terretardiffic! though, it won't be as tight as your dance dance skills. *does jumping jacks and special assisted backflip* <3 "have at it" xoxoxo Aug 31, 2003
I'm glad you're coming tonight, though!
its gonna be terretardiffic!
though, it won't be as tight as your dance dance skills.
*does jumping jacks and special assisted backflip*
"have at it"