Well, I'm finally getting ready to get back out there and kick some fine lady butt! We are having our second bout of the season this Sunday, May 14th, at the Skate Ranch in Raleigh. It will be my team, the Tai-Chitahs, versus the Trauma Queens. From what I hear, we are almost sold out, but if you try real hard, you just might still be able to score some tickets. Doors open at 5:30, so come on out!
Please visit our website! Carolina Rollergirls dot com

Please visit our website! Carolina Rollergirls dot com
I miss you too! SO SO much. Life is exactly the same since I became a Mrs. which, is exactly as I wanted it. I am just trying to not work as much as possible while Amy's here so I can hang with her and Q. I think we are having a cookout at her mom's tomorrow night, you guys should come if you can! And save OCT 28th for sure, that's the date for the celebration/reception/costume ball for F and I to celebrate the marriageness. You guys have to come. 

hope to see you again sometime soon.