Thank you all for the birthday wishes.
After several months of living a life of antisocialism, I'm considering rejoining the land of the living. Work has been taking over my life, and I feel like I'm missing out on a lot.
I just finished a large animal rescue course at a local college. I'm not sure what I took from it, other than if you try to get a horse stuck in the mud, beware; he may REALLY get stuck in the mud.
This is the initial rescue. It was very technical, and seemed to be going as planned. That was, until we realized that the backhoe was not going to be able to move enough to get him to solid ground.
He was lowered back into the mud, where he proceeded to REALLY get stuck. Now, it was time for a REAL rescue.
And here is everyone preparing to try to pull this poor horse onto the rescue board and really get him out of there. It was much simpler, and worked like a charm. This horse was not harmed, but seemed to be a bit ticked off when he was finally out. I don't have pics of it, but he went up to every other horse and wiped mud on them.
Now you may be wondering why I was not in there trying to help this poor animal get out of the mud. Well, I did learn something else from this 3-day course. If you didn't document it, then it didn't happen. Therefore, I am contributing greatly.
Well, that's enough for now. I'm gonna go read all about what is going on with everyone else. I loved all the pet pictures. Feel free to post more whenever you want.

After several months of living a life of antisocialism, I'm considering rejoining the land of the living. Work has been taking over my life, and I feel like I'm missing out on a lot.
I just finished a large animal rescue course at a local college. I'm not sure what I took from it, other than if you try to get a horse stuck in the mud, beware; he may REALLY get stuck in the mud.

This is the initial rescue. It was very technical, and seemed to be going as planned. That was, until we realized that the backhoe was not going to be able to move enough to get him to solid ground.

He was lowered back into the mud, where he proceeded to REALLY get stuck. Now, it was time for a REAL rescue.

And here is everyone preparing to try to pull this poor horse onto the rescue board and really get him out of there. It was much simpler, and worked like a charm. This horse was not harmed, but seemed to be a bit ticked off when he was finally out. I don't have pics of it, but he went up to every other horse and wiped mud on them.

Now you may be wondering why I was not in there trying to help this poor animal get out of the mud. Well, I did learn something else from this 3-day course. If you didn't document it, then it didn't happen. Therefore, I am contributing greatly.
Well, that's enough for now. I'm gonna go read all about what is going on with everyone else. I loved all the pet pictures. Feel free to post more whenever you want.

You are awesome. Next time I get stuck in the mud, you will be the first person I call.