what's up bitches?
pj is not home yet from Napalm Death. should be home soon. i hope he had fun. today i worked half the day, then didn't come back after lunch. bought a pair of pants at maurice's that i will try to get my fat ass back into after the baby is born. i am going to have to work out hard to lose this fatness on my thighs, hips, and legs. so my new pants are my motivation pants.
i am finishing up the five loads of laundry i did today. small loads, but still...five loads.
[yawn] i'm so tired. nighty night time!
pj is not home yet from Napalm Death. should be home soon. i hope he had fun. today i worked half the day, then didn't come back after lunch. bought a pair of pants at maurice's that i will try to get my fat ass back into after the baby is born. i am going to have to work out hard to lose this fatness on my thighs, hips, and legs. so my new pants are my motivation pants.
i am finishing up the five loads of laundry i did today. small loads, but still...five loads.
[yawn] i'm so tired. nighty night time!
been on vacation...back to work tomorrow Hurray!!
So, do you roll in the piles of warm laundry like my wife does?