that was just in case you forgot how cute my puppy is. i think i might have a kidney infection. oh well. or it might be my back is somehow messed up in just one spot from standing in one place all day.
i need a paycheck. but it doesn't come for a week and a half. oh fucking well.
god damn this back problem.
well, i have to get ready for work now. i work 2-11, and hopefully i'll hang out with shanna and ricky and rena afterwards. they are treating me so good these days. i don't know why. well, i know why.
i really miss my friend chris in las vegas. i don't know why.
and i need an ice cream cone from micky d's.
littleamericanizedasiangirlsCON I'm so at that con!!!
Doom 3 on PC came out on Tuesday but it doesn't come out on xbox for a while. Halo 2 on xbox might be coming out soon from what I have heard so that will probably be a good one too.