Answers, Round 2!
Q: How many men and how many women have you had sex with? For the purposes of this question we will define sex as at least one of the people involved achieving orgasm.
A: I've had sex with 8 girls and 6 guys. I'm not sure if mutual masturbation counts under your guidelines, but just in case it does, add 3 to the girls.
Q: Describe your favorite or most memorable experience/orgasm?
A: The most memorable experience was my first time with another woman. The best orgasm I've ever had was back in Seattle. I climbed out onto the fire escape outside my window and masturbated high above those on the streets below. Anyone could have looked up and seen me, but I don't think anyone did. That was an incredible, risky rush.
Q: [Why do you like Salvidor Dali]?
A: I can't explain it, I just love his artwork. It's so incredibly detailed and so incredibly skewed and wry. I'm also a huge fan of H.R. Giger.
Q: When are you going to come to Maryland and seduce me (BoyGeorgeismymom)?!?
A: Aren't you married to Jesthestar now? I don't fool around with married people (I learned my lesson on that one)... but I might make an exception for you...
Q: Did you enjoy going to college in Seattle?
Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.
Q: When in time would you want to be if not now?
A: Honestly, there's no other time I'd like to live in. I like my technological toys way too much.
Q: Snake, fish, dog, cat or parrot?
A: Dog.
Q: Cow, fish, fowl or pig?
A: Fish, I suppose.
Q: Gas or charcoal?
A: Charcoal. I love food off the grill!
Q: Round or sharp?
A: Round
Q: Top or bottom?
A: Depends on my mood.
Q: Guitar, bass or drums?
A: Guitar.
Q: You've drawn an ace: high or low?
A: High, but only if I'm holding a face card.
Q: American, European or Japanese?
A: American, but I have a great love and respect for both European and Japanese cultures and peoples.
Q: WHAT, is your favorite color!?
A: Green... NO! Blue! AAAAAAAAH!!
Q: Milk, dark or semisweet?
Milk, of course! Especially when it's Gheradelli or Godiva. Mmmmmmm!!
Q: Ice or neat?
A: Neat, please. I don't like my liquor watered down.
Q: Magritte or Duchamp?
A: Now I'm feeling stupid... I don't know who either of these people are. Referrence, please?
Q: Band that you would force to get back together?
A: Either Led Zeppelin or The Ramoes. Either one's going to be a neat trick...
Q: Band that you would force to break up?
A: The Backstreet Boys, N'Stink, Brittney, Christina Agulera, J-Ho... I could go on and on and on with this one.
Q: Band/musician that you would bring back from the dead?
A: John Lennon.
Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: 42.
Q: When will we get our goddamn flying cars?
A: I have no idea, but it's a scary thought. I don't trust 95% of the population to DRIVE, let alone fly.
Q: When was the last time you had sex with another person?
A: A little over a month ago.
Q: Oh and will you marry ME (Smuffy)???
A: Sure!
Q: Louie Anderson or Cedric The Entertainer? Who do you prefer?
A: I don't think either of them are that funny. I like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Chris Rock and Richard Pryor (back in the day) a lot more.
Q: How did you lose your virginity twice?
A: Once with a woman and once with a man.
Q: Who is you favorite SuicideGirl?
A: Morgan!
Q: Why?
A: Because she's smart, funny, sweet, sincere, thoughtful, kind, polite and incredibly, unbelievably sexy!
Q: How do you choose who will and who will not be on your friends list? (I'm looking for pointers as to how I can get on your list.)
A: You've taken the first, most important step; you've actually talked to me. I don't understand why people who've never even said so much as "hello" to me want to be on my friend list...
Q: Is there rock 'n roll in heaven or hell?
A: Rock n' roll is the devil's music, dontchaknow. So there's probably rock in hell. Which is a good thing, because that's probably where I'm going when I keel.
Q: What do you want? In life and in general. As in: For the world or for yourself, and even better if they overlap.
A: I just want to live my life as I see fit. To be honest to myself and my desires. And for the world, I'd like to see all the wars called off in favor of global cooperation. Imagine the advances we could make as a species if we all worked together and took care of each other.
Q: If you could relive one event in [your] life over and over again for all eternity, what would it be?
A: The day before my friend was killed in a car accident. I miss her so much, and would give anything to see her again and spend one more day with her.
Q: Krash you have an awesome, well defined body. What do you do to workout?
A: Thanks! I run a little over a mile a day. I'm also careful about what I eat, and more importantly, how much I eat.
Q: You are the network administrator for a company. Your network is Windows 2000. Your boss has just purchased a new computer and he wants you to install Windows XP Professional on it. After the installation is completed, you attempt to boot the computer for the first time. However, you receive the following error message:
You are sure that the all hardware components that came with the computer are Windows XP Professional compatible. Which of the following actions should you take to fix the problem in least amount of time?
A. Reinstall the Windows XP Professional operating system whilst chanting to yourself "we chose this operating system because it's efficient, fast and reliable... we chose this operating system because it's efficient, fast and reliable...".
B. Fuck it. Spend the rest of the day watching bootleg cartoon VCDs on another computer.
C. Attempt to use the utterly useless Recovery Console without going insane.
D. Smash it good! SMASH IT GOOD!!!
A: E. Strip the fucker down to the F-disk and start all over from scratch. Yes, it takes a looooooooong fucking time, but at least you'll have a nice, clean start. But smashing is my second answer.
Q: How do you become a necromancer?
A: By making one on the Albion side of Dark Age of Camelot.
Q: Dear Krash, do you happend to own a Cheongsam? And if you do, could we get some pic of you in it?
A: No, I don't, but I'd sure love to. I've always thought they were so pretty!
Q: When was the last time you were photographed naked?
A: Almost 2 years ago.
Q: Have we seen that picture?
A: Yes.
Q: have we seen your entire album, or are there more?
A: There's a few more.
Q: Which of your birth parents was the MENSA member and a which was a caustic stand-up comedian?
A: Not sure. I've never met either of them. But my adoptive father has an great sense of humor and is highly intelligent.
Q: Smuffy at one time expressed interest in having butt sex with me. How can i steer her back to that topic?
A: I'm a little confused. She wants to fuck your ass, or you want to fuck hers? I dunno. Tell her you'll spring for the lube, I guess.
Q: Who is BoyGeorgeIsMyMom and why is she taking my place?
A: BoyGeorgeIsMyMom is sassy, cute, sexy and funny girl who posts here. She's not taking over your job, Smuffy. Maybe we can get her to join BOTH of us.
Q: How old is too young and vice versa?
A: Again feeling stupid here, as this question makes no sense to me no matter how much I ponder over it. If you're asking what my age ranges for dating are, I don't really have any. They just have to be legal (over 21 is much preferred), and NOT have grey hair.
Q: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
A: Go to the store and buy one. That's about it.
Q: Is GW Bush hiding Osama, waiting to bring him out just before the election and say "See? We got him!"
A: It really would not suprise me. I wouldn't put anything past him, his handlers or any other Reichpublican.
Q: Are you happy?
A: Sometimes. But more often than not, no.
Q: If you held in your right hand the life of a young child and in your left hand the offer of a true and lasting world peace which would you sacrifice knowing that to give up the child would mean his/her death and that giving up the offer of world peace would mean to do so forever, never to be made the same offer again.
A: I'd sacrafice the child. One life compared to billions is no comparason at all.
Q: What would be your ideal tour line up?
A: NOFX, Millencoln, Liz Phair (before she went pop), Social Distortion, The Cure, Tilt, Violent Femmes and KMFDM. That would be a hell of a show.
Q: Do you think waxing is worth it? Or do you stick with shaving?
A: Waxing hurts like a motherfucker! I've never had a problem with shaving, so that's what I'm sticking to. At least until I can afford permanent hair removal.
Q: What is your favorite picture of yourself?
A: One a friend took of me when I wasn't execpting it. I look so happy in it. I wonder what I was thinking about every time I look at it.
Q: Normally the word crash (or any of its various spelling renditions) causes us biker types massive spine shivers, so my question to you is why the name Krash?
A: It's a shortening of "Krashdance," which I got in my mosh-pit days.
Q: My ex called and wants to take me out for a bday dinner or *whatever*. Should i return her call, or sit quietly until she leaves for Australia in a couple of days. My feelings for her are not confused in the way that i am no longer attacted to her, but they are confused a little bit in the regard of wether i even what to even see her again. Please advise.
A: You need to follow whatever your gut tells you on this one. Don't second guess your gut, either. Gut instincts turn out to be right 99% of the time. At least they do for me.
Q: How can I become your boyfriend? Is promising to be true, not cheat and take good care of you a good start?
A: Those are all great qualities that I do, indeed, look for in potential sweeties. But I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now.
Q: What was the show or craze that you liked when you where a child you would not normally admit to having liked?
A: I really dug Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album. But, hell, so did everyone else my age back then.
Q: How do you suck a fuck?!
A: I don't know, but apparently Donnie Darko's sister does...
Q: Do girls really look for a nice guy, or are they just lying?
A: You mean on dates or in general? If I'm going out on a date, yeah, I spruce myself up a little. But for the most part, I dress how I like.
Q: A stripper friend, who I really used to really like and would go see like once a week, e-mailed me to say that she misses talking to me and wants me to come see her again at her work. She has a boyfriend, and she kinda broke my heart ( I knew she had a boyfriend all along). But now I'm pretty much over her. I still would like to be friends with her, but I don't want to pay for it anymore. Should I go see her, or just forget about her?
A: I think you should forget about it. It can be nigh-impossible to maintain a friendship with someone that you have romantic feelings for. Even though you say you're over her, I'm betting that it wouldn't take much for those feelings to come back. And then, there you are all alone and dying inside every time you see her with her boyfriend. Unrequited love isn't worth the effort. Move on, my friend.
Q: Someone may have already asked this but, What are you REALLY passionate about?
A: My family, my job, and life.
Q: Apples or Oranges?
A: Apples.
Q: How many men and how many women have you had sex with? For the purposes of this question we will define sex as at least one of the people involved achieving orgasm.
A: I've had sex with 8 girls and 6 guys. I'm not sure if mutual masturbation counts under your guidelines, but just in case it does, add 3 to the girls.
Q: Describe your favorite or most memorable experience/orgasm?
A: The most memorable experience was my first time with another woman. The best orgasm I've ever had was back in Seattle. I climbed out onto the fire escape outside my window and masturbated high above those on the streets below. Anyone could have looked up and seen me, but I don't think anyone did. That was an incredible, risky rush.
Q: [Why do you like Salvidor Dali]?
A: I can't explain it, I just love his artwork. It's so incredibly detailed and so incredibly skewed and wry. I'm also a huge fan of H.R. Giger.
Q: When are you going to come to Maryland and seduce me (BoyGeorgeismymom)?!?
A: Aren't you married to Jesthestar now? I don't fool around with married people (I learned my lesson on that one)... but I might make an exception for you...
Q: Did you enjoy going to college in Seattle?
Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.
Q: When in time would you want to be if not now?
A: Honestly, there's no other time I'd like to live in. I like my technological toys way too much.
Q: Snake, fish, dog, cat or parrot?
A: Dog.
Q: Cow, fish, fowl or pig?
A: Fish, I suppose.
Q: Gas or charcoal?
A: Charcoal. I love food off the grill!
Q: Round or sharp?
A: Round
Q: Top or bottom?
A: Depends on my mood.
Q: Guitar, bass or drums?
A: Guitar.
Q: You've drawn an ace: high or low?
A: High, but only if I'm holding a face card.
Q: American, European or Japanese?
A: American, but I have a great love and respect for both European and Japanese cultures and peoples.
Q: WHAT, is your favorite color!?
A: Green... NO! Blue! AAAAAAAAH!!
Q: Milk, dark or semisweet?
Milk, of course! Especially when it's Gheradelli or Godiva. Mmmmmmm!!
Q: Ice or neat?
A: Neat, please. I don't like my liquor watered down.
Q: Magritte or Duchamp?
A: Now I'm feeling stupid... I don't know who either of these people are. Referrence, please?
Q: Band that you would force to get back together?
A: Either Led Zeppelin or The Ramoes. Either one's going to be a neat trick...
Q: Band that you would force to break up?
A: The Backstreet Boys, N'Stink, Brittney, Christina Agulera, J-Ho... I could go on and on and on with this one.
Q: Band/musician that you would bring back from the dead?
A: John Lennon.
Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: 42.
Q: When will we get our goddamn flying cars?
A: I have no idea, but it's a scary thought. I don't trust 95% of the population to DRIVE, let alone fly.
Q: When was the last time you had sex with another person?
A: A little over a month ago.
Q: Oh and will you marry ME (Smuffy)???
A: Sure!
Q: Louie Anderson or Cedric The Entertainer? Who do you prefer?
A: I don't think either of them are that funny. I like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Chris Rock and Richard Pryor (back in the day) a lot more.
Q: How did you lose your virginity twice?
A: Once with a woman and once with a man.
Q: Who is you favorite SuicideGirl?
A: Morgan!
Q: Why?
A: Because she's smart, funny, sweet, sincere, thoughtful, kind, polite and incredibly, unbelievably sexy!
Q: How do you choose who will and who will not be on your friends list? (I'm looking for pointers as to how I can get on your list.)
A: You've taken the first, most important step; you've actually talked to me. I don't understand why people who've never even said so much as "hello" to me want to be on my friend list...
Q: Is there rock 'n roll in heaven or hell?
A: Rock n' roll is the devil's music, dontchaknow. So there's probably rock in hell. Which is a good thing, because that's probably where I'm going when I keel.
Q: What do you want? In life and in general. As in: For the world or for yourself, and even better if they overlap.
A: I just want to live my life as I see fit. To be honest to myself and my desires. And for the world, I'd like to see all the wars called off in favor of global cooperation. Imagine the advances we could make as a species if we all worked together and took care of each other.
Q: If you could relive one event in [your] life over and over again for all eternity, what would it be?
A: The day before my friend was killed in a car accident. I miss her so much, and would give anything to see her again and spend one more day with her.
Q: Krash you have an awesome, well defined body. What do you do to workout?
A: Thanks! I run a little over a mile a day. I'm also careful about what I eat, and more importantly, how much I eat.
Q: You are the network administrator for a company. Your network is Windows 2000. Your boss has just purchased a new computer and he wants you to install Windows XP Professional on it. After the installation is completed, you attempt to boot the computer for the first time. However, you receive the following error message:
You are sure that the all hardware components that came with the computer are Windows XP Professional compatible. Which of the following actions should you take to fix the problem in least amount of time?
A. Reinstall the Windows XP Professional operating system whilst chanting to yourself "we chose this operating system because it's efficient, fast and reliable... we chose this operating system because it's efficient, fast and reliable...".
B. Fuck it. Spend the rest of the day watching bootleg cartoon VCDs on another computer.
C. Attempt to use the utterly useless Recovery Console without going insane.
D. Smash it good! SMASH IT GOOD!!!
A: E. Strip the fucker down to the F-disk and start all over from scratch. Yes, it takes a looooooooong fucking time, but at least you'll have a nice, clean start. But smashing is my second answer.
Q: How do you become a necromancer?
A: By making one on the Albion side of Dark Age of Camelot.
Q: Dear Krash, do you happend to own a Cheongsam? And if you do, could we get some pic of you in it?
A: No, I don't, but I'd sure love to. I've always thought they were so pretty!
Q: When was the last time you were photographed naked?
A: Almost 2 years ago.
Q: Have we seen that picture?
A: Yes.
Q: have we seen your entire album, or are there more?
A: There's a few more.
Q: Which of your birth parents was the MENSA member and a which was a caustic stand-up comedian?
A: Not sure. I've never met either of them. But my adoptive father has an great sense of humor and is highly intelligent.
Q: Smuffy at one time expressed interest in having butt sex with me. How can i steer her back to that topic?
A: I'm a little confused. She wants to fuck your ass, or you want to fuck hers? I dunno. Tell her you'll spring for the lube, I guess.
Q: Who is BoyGeorgeIsMyMom and why is she taking my place?
A: BoyGeorgeIsMyMom is sassy, cute, sexy and funny girl who posts here. She's not taking over your job, Smuffy. Maybe we can get her to join BOTH of us.
Q: How old is too young and vice versa?
A: Again feeling stupid here, as this question makes no sense to me no matter how much I ponder over it. If you're asking what my age ranges for dating are, I don't really have any. They just have to be legal (over 21 is much preferred), and NOT have grey hair.
Q: What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
A: Go to the store and buy one. That's about it.
Q: Is GW Bush hiding Osama, waiting to bring him out just before the election and say "See? We got him!"
A: It really would not suprise me. I wouldn't put anything past him, his handlers or any other Reichpublican.
Q: Are you happy?
A: Sometimes. But more often than not, no.
Q: If you held in your right hand the life of a young child and in your left hand the offer of a true and lasting world peace which would you sacrifice knowing that to give up the child would mean his/her death and that giving up the offer of world peace would mean to do so forever, never to be made the same offer again.
A: I'd sacrafice the child. One life compared to billions is no comparason at all.
Q: What would be your ideal tour line up?
A: NOFX, Millencoln, Liz Phair (before she went pop), Social Distortion, The Cure, Tilt, Violent Femmes and KMFDM. That would be a hell of a show.
Q: Do you think waxing is worth it? Or do you stick with shaving?
A: Waxing hurts like a motherfucker! I've never had a problem with shaving, so that's what I'm sticking to. At least until I can afford permanent hair removal.
Q: What is your favorite picture of yourself?
A: One a friend took of me when I wasn't execpting it. I look so happy in it. I wonder what I was thinking about every time I look at it.
Q: Normally the word crash (or any of its various spelling renditions) causes us biker types massive spine shivers, so my question to you is why the name Krash?
A: It's a shortening of "Krashdance," which I got in my mosh-pit days.
Q: My ex called and wants to take me out for a bday dinner or *whatever*. Should i return her call, or sit quietly until she leaves for Australia in a couple of days. My feelings for her are not confused in the way that i am no longer attacted to her, but they are confused a little bit in the regard of wether i even what to even see her again. Please advise.
A: You need to follow whatever your gut tells you on this one. Don't second guess your gut, either. Gut instincts turn out to be right 99% of the time. At least they do for me.
Q: How can I become your boyfriend? Is promising to be true, not cheat and take good care of you a good start?
A: Those are all great qualities that I do, indeed, look for in potential sweeties. But I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now.
Q: What was the show or craze that you liked when you where a child you would not normally admit to having liked?
A: I really dug Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album. But, hell, so did everyone else my age back then.
Q: How do you suck a fuck?!
A: I don't know, but apparently Donnie Darko's sister does...
Q: Do girls really look for a nice guy, or are they just lying?
A: You mean on dates or in general? If I'm going out on a date, yeah, I spruce myself up a little. But for the most part, I dress how I like.
Q: A stripper friend, who I really used to really like and would go see like once a week, e-mailed me to say that she misses talking to me and wants me to come see her again at her work. She has a boyfriend, and she kinda broke my heart ( I knew she had a boyfriend all along). But now I'm pretty much over her. I still would like to be friends with her, but I don't want to pay for it anymore. Should I go see her, or just forget about her?
A: I think you should forget about it. It can be nigh-impossible to maintain a friendship with someone that you have romantic feelings for. Even though you say you're over her, I'm betting that it wouldn't take much for those feelings to come back. And then, there you are all alone and dying inside every time you see her with her boyfriend. Unrequited love isn't worth the effort. Move on, my friend.
Q: Someone may have already asked this but, What are you REALLY passionate about?
A: My family, my job, and life.
Q: Apples or Oranges?
A: Apples.

For detail in painting, this one has always been a favorite:
Mostly for the backs of everything reflected in athe curved mirror on the wall.
As for Dali, when I finally got to see the Persistance of Memory, I could not believe how small and how detailed the painting was. I was stunned.
[Edited on Apr 18, 2004 9:01PM]