Things that make me happy:
1. Unexpected suprises in my mail.
2. Phone calls from friends I haven't heard from in years.
3. Talking to my girl on messenger.
4. Playing with my neices.
5. My girl home for two weeks of R&R within the next couple months.
6. Getting a Dwarven Hand Cannon from a guildmate for free in World of Warcraft (thank you again and again and again, Pres!)
7. Putting Xmas lights all around my house.
8. Finding money in my coat pocket.
9. Having all my Xmas shoppig done.
10. My crazy cousin.
Things that make me sad:
1. My girl having 8 more months to go.
2. Panties that creep up my ass when I'm putting Xmas lights around my house.
3. The washer eating my "lucky" bra.
4. Lonliness.
5. Undead rogues.
6. Not being able to remember how I got the gigantic bruise on my back.
7. People who tell me I'm going to Hell because I don't go to church.
8. Big, scary stray dogs that come out of fucking nowhere and chase me from my car to my front door.
9. People who freak out at the mere thought of snow.
10. The Bush administration and everyone involved in it.
1. Unexpected suprises in my mail.
2. Phone calls from friends I haven't heard from in years.
3. Talking to my girl on messenger.
4. Playing with my neices.
5. My girl home for two weeks of R&R within the next couple months.
6. Getting a Dwarven Hand Cannon from a guildmate for free in World of Warcraft (thank you again and again and again, Pres!)
7. Putting Xmas lights all around my house.
8. Finding money in my coat pocket.
9. Having all my Xmas shoppig done.
10. My crazy cousin.
Things that make me sad:
1. My girl having 8 more months to go.
2. Panties that creep up my ass when I'm putting Xmas lights around my house.
3. The washer eating my "lucky" bra.
4. Lonliness.
5. Undead rogues.
6. Not being able to remember how I got the gigantic bruise on my back.
7. People who tell me I'm going to Hell because I don't go to church.
8. Big, scary stray dogs that come out of fucking nowhere and chase me from my car to my front door.
9. People who freak out at the mere thought of snow.
10. The Bush administration and everyone involved in it.
happy birthday, two!
i almost missed your birthday! hope you had fun today