Hurricane Party. biggrin

Summary of The Presidents Speech at the RNC:

Fear, Fear, Fear, Fear, 9/11, Fear, Fear. Allmighty god, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Evil Dictator, Evil Dictator. Fear, Fear, Fear, Fear. Protect Marraige, No Gays! 9/11, Fear, Fear, Fear, Terrrrists, Fear, Fear. new-kew-lerr, Fear, Fear, Fear, liberty, Fear, Fear, Fear. Jonh Kerry Bad! No child left behind! Fear, Fear, Fear, Liberty, Fear, Fear, Fear!

God Bless America.
when I die I want you to throw a party
with trombones and cellos
and little pointy hats
and kazoos
and when it's all over
leave a light on for me
Holy shit it's late. I'm going to bed. Good night world.
late? what time is it in your time zone? it's 2:30 am here and I'm about to go to sleep thinking I'm going to bed early!
Very true. It's a sad, sad thing.

So I re-registered to vote in tuscaloosa the other day. The guys doing the registering kept asking if I wanted to sign a petition to keep the Libertarian party on the ballot in the state of Alabama. Now I fucking hate libertarians but i'm not one to deny anybody from getting on a ballot for anything. However, these guys weren't concerned with "giving the people...
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hahahaaa! good comeback. those bastards!

thanks for the advice. i now agree that working brains are overrated. i`m much happier this way.