BREAKING NEWS: (For the three of you who aren't actually following me on Twitter or Facebook)
I'm Going to:

Well, I'm going to Paris anyway. Not sure if there will be any halfpipes involved. My Mum is taking me as a graduation/surviving the Bar present. I am super stoked.
I'm Going to:

Well, I'm going to Paris anyway. Not sure if there will be any halfpipes involved. My Mum is taking me as a graduation/surviving the Bar present. I am super stoked.
You once posted a pic of Yo Mama and she seems very hip, and this cements that impression.
Do you follow any SG Paris members? As you may know, the French naturally have a vibrant SG scene, so much so that AnnaLee went over to shoot her latest set. The inimitable and very talented Dwam seems to be at the epicenter; she could show you the not-your-mother's Paris. Bring home at least one disease or you're not doing it right.
Yes, and indulge all the other cliches, because they're mostly true and not to me missed. Paris is the only city to whom I've written poetry.
When do you fly out?
Bon chance!