Four days in a row I have had migraines and yet, I have somehow managed to have one of the most productive weeks in a long time. Go me!
Here is some random graffiti I snapped a while back on my cell phone:
I'm going to try to do more photo updates from now on, because a) they are a lot more interesting, and b) I think I have mastered the mobile blogging feature here on SG.
Speaking of which, does anybody else use Twitpic from a Blackberry? I am having a helluva time getting that to work.
Here is some random graffiti I snapped a while back on my cell phone:

I'm going to try to do more photo updates from now on, because a) they are a lot more interesting, and b) I think I have mastered the mobile blogging feature here on SG.
Speaking of which, does anybody else use Twitpic from a Blackberry? I am having a helluva time getting that to work.
I'm jealous of your productivity. I've got a big trade show coming up, and lots to do in preparation, and nothing moves quickly enough, and it seems I'm never productive enough. (It'll be fine.) You, on the other hand, are flying high and strait towards light at the end of the tunnel. I'm glad to read it.