Alright my savvy internet compatriots, feedback time! I have a twitter, wordpress , blogger/blogspot, flickr, livejournal, myspace, facebook, and of course SG account, but I don't know where I really want to be focusing my attention for a blog project idea that I have had for quite a while.
The main questions I have for all of you are:
1) Where should I be posting my blogs? In my preexisting accounts at Wordpress, Blogger/Blogspot, or should I be signing up for something else like Typepad? I already know that I don't want SG, myspace, facebook, or my moldering LJ accounts to be the primary host spot. I would want something that is fairly friendly to embedded media content, especially googlemaps, and video as I am strongly considering buying one of these:
2) Which brings me to another question. What is the best way to host videos online? The quality of Youtube videos does not impress me, but what are my other options?
3) Sooner or later, I am going to have to upgrade my cell phone. What is the most "blogger" friendly phone in your opinion? Something that really could work for quick multimedia blogging on the go?
Can't wait to hear some feedback. Thanks in advance!
The main questions I have for all of you are:
1) Where should I be posting my blogs? In my preexisting accounts at Wordpress, Blogger/Blogspot, or should I be signing up for something else like Typepad? I already know that I don't want SG, myspace, facebook, or my moldering LJ accounts to be the primary host spot. I would want something that is fairly friendly to embedded media content, especially googlemaps, and video as I am strongly considering buying one of these:

2) Which brings me to another question. What is the best way to host videos online? The quality of Youtube videos does not impress me, but what are my other options?
3) Sooner or later, I am going to have to upgrade my cell phone. What is the most "blogger" friendly phone in your opinion? Something that really could work for quick multimedia blogging on the go?
Can't wait to hear some feedback. Thanks in advance!
Yeah, fuck casual Friday. Let's get dressed up and flirt with our clothes on for a change! Just to be crazy.