Shit, I think in the last few days of talking to people, it has actually dawned on me that I am moving to Paris in 3.5 months. It is kinda freaky. I have a ton of shit to take care of in that amount of time like:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
--Actually maintain my kick ass upward GPA climb (would hate to find out that last semester was an anomaly)
--Figure out exactly where I am going to live when I am in Paris (Tiny <i><b>free</b></i> apartment a friend offered me which is far away from the other students in the program, or frickin' expensive dorm room type setup where I can hang out with the rest of the students?)
--Decide how long I can stay over there. Minimum I am going to be there for 6 weeks (4 week program plus a couple of "fun" weeks tacked on for good measure).
--Of course this last bit requires me to figure out if I can get a worthwhile internship for the remainder of the summer over there. (Staying in Paris would be cool, but I would settle for any major European city at this point. Anybody have any good connections?)
--And then, once all of the above is sorted out, decide which attendant from the US I am going to drag with me for the summer. Anybody want a cool job in Europe?
--Of course, there is also that teeny, weeny issue of coming up with the cash to pay for all of it. Details, details...
Cheers all.