OK...so apparently it is "Nice Asses in Skin Tight Pants" day in the East Bay. I mean come on people, I am trying to focus here. The whole reason I left my house was so I would get some work done and be away from distractions. I suppose, tactically speaking, setting up my mobile office in a coffee shop with huge glass windows which is situated near a University was possibly a bad idea...productivity wise. Must. Finish. Stupid. Memo.
I kinda took the night off last night, which I don't normally do on a Monday, but I had come from an intense 1hr session of office hours with my Con Law Professor*, and I had agreed to see Darjeeling Limited (which I loved) with a (cute)friend. By the time I got home from all of that I realized all I had energy to do was to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy, which then led me to start making a mixed tape for "some girl" and suddenly I realized it was 00.30. So now I am tired, and behind on my work load. So why the fuck am I on the internet writing a blog you ask (or probably don't, but whatever. You have read this far, I challenge you to look away now)?
Because I realize that I have yet to announce the fact that I got a TA position at my school. Starting possibly as early as next Spring, and at the latest next fall, depending on the incumbent TA's wishes, I will be a TA for Criminal Law. This is pretty fuckin' sweet, as I like the prof, the class, and am really looking to pad my resume to make up for my somewhat shitty 1L grades. Also, it looks like I have a strong chance of getting all A's and B's this semester. Which is pretty fuckin' ridiculously awesome.
I had a random, and very informative chat with a girl that sits behind me in class yesterday. Apparently she is doing the joint JD/MBA program which I have been toying with trying to join, and she gave me all sorts of interesting tidbits about it. Apparently, all of the Business School classes are available online, which means I could conceivably take them from ANYWHERE, including overseas if I go abroad this summer. This basically means that me going to Europe or Japan this coming summer is not going to fuck with my academic progress as much as I had originally thought. Also, you basically just have to show that you are in good academic standing with your law school in order get into the Business school, which I should have at the end of this semester without a problem. No entry exams, no GMAT, just walk in, and sign up. So cool. I am glad that I stopped writing the girl off as a little miss goody goody preppy kid (which she kinda is, but in a good way), and actually have started talking to her more over the course of this semester. Why is it that I often inherently distrust chipper people who don't look like they have some dark side? This "they're not "real" enough for me" kind of attitude is really not going to get me anywhere. I mean, its not like I need to marry these people, I should at least learn to play nice with them. I mean, see where it gets me when I do? First rate intel.
Anyway, the wave of hotness in this coffee shop seems to have subsided for the moment, so I am going to try bang out this Memo. TTYL
* We were discussing all sorts of things, most notably Constitutional issues regarding one's right to refuse medical treatment/be taken off life support/access to physician assisted suicide and how those rights come into conflict with the States' Interest in "Preserving Life"...fuckin' fascists. Obviously it is a topic that means a lot to me, as I wrote my first living will and do not resuscitate directive when I was about 14. Personally, the law be damned. I have some crazy friends that don't give a shit about the law, and if it comes down to it, they will get the job done. Loyalty trumps state legislature every time. Ideally though, if I know I am on my way out I can get myself out of the hospital. Then, I am going to finally start doing some good drugs, and OD the old fashioned way: opium, absinthe, and a harem.
Still, from a legal perspective, it is fascinating to me in which the way the government can intrude on one's ability to end their own life. For someone such as myself, this issue is as charged as the abortion issue often is for women. Personal Autonomy should be a no-brainer by now...right?
I kinda took the night off last night, which I don't normally do on a Monday, but I had come from an intense 1hr session of office hours with my Con Law Professor*, and I had agreed to see Darjeeling Limited (which I loved) with a (cute)friend. By the time I got home from all of that I realized all I had energy to do was to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy, which then led me to start making a mixed tape for "some girl" and suddenly I realized it was 00.30. So now I am tired, and behind on my work load. So why the fuck am I on the internet writing a blog you ask (or probably don't, but whatever. You have read this far, I challenge you to look away now)?
Because I realize that I have yet to announce the fact that I got a TA position at my school. Starting possibly as early as next Spring, and at the latest next fall, depending on the incumbent TA's wishes, I will be a TA for Criminal Law. This is pretty fuckin' sweet, as I like the prof, the class, and am really looking to pad my resume to make up for my somewhat shitty 1L grades. Also, it looks like I have a strong chance of getting all A's and B's this semester. Which is pretty fuckin' ridiculously awesome.
I had a random, and very informative chat with a girl that sits behind me in class yesterday. Apparently she is doing the joint JD/MBA program which I have been toying with trying to join, and she gave me all sorts of interesting tidbits about it. Apparently, all of the Business School classes are available online, which means I could conceivably take them from ANYWHERE, including overseas if I go abroad this summer. This basically means that me going to Europe or Japan this coming summer is not going to fuck with my academic progress as much as I had originally thought. Also, you basically just have to show that you are in good academic standing with your law school in order get into the Business school, which I should have at the end of this semester without a problem. No entry exams, no GMAT, just walk in, and sign up. So cool. I am glad that I stopped writing the girl off as a little miss goody goody preppy kid (which she kinda is, but in a good way), and actually have started talking to her more over the course of this semester. Why is it that I often inherently distrust chipper people who don't look like they have some dark side? This "they're not "real" enough for me" kind of attitude is really not going to get me anywhere. I mean, its not like I need to marry these people, I should at least learn to play nice with them. I mean, see where it gets me when I do? First rate intel.
Anyway, the wave of hotness in this coffee shop seems to have subsided for the moment, so I am going to try bang out this Memo. TTYL
* We were discussing all sorts of things, most notably Constitutional issues regarding one's right to refuse medical treatment/be taken off life support/access to physician assisted suicide and how those rights come into conflict with the States' Interest in "Preserving Life"...fuckin' fascists. Obviously it is a topic that means a lot to me, as I wrote my first living will and do not resuscitate directive when I was about 14. Personally, the law be damned. I have some crazy friends that don't give a shit about the law, and if it comes down to it, they will get the job done. Loyalty trumps state legislature every time. Ideally though, if I know I am on my way out I can get myself out of the hospital. Then, I am going to finally start doing some good drugs, and OD the old fashioned way: opium, absinthe, and a harem.
Still, from a legal perspective, it is fascinating to me in which the way the government can intrude on one's ability to end their own life. For someone such as myself, this issue is as charged as the abortion issue often is for women. Personal Autonomy should be a no-brainer by now...right?
I always thought of a harem in more of an ownership arrangement (or at least a much more personal connotation) than a business transaction. Freelance harems? Now there's an idea.
And how you let Grey's Anatomy take priority over Heroes I'll never know.