For a day that started out with a migraine, it sure has turned out to be pretty good, in an odd way. I got to see my stepdad for lunch, which is always a blast, and we discussed me going back to Baja again this winter sometime. We are trying to figure out how to get all of my medical stuff off the grid so we can do some more serious sailing around the Sea of Cortez this time. If all goes right, I will only see La Paz on my way in and out this time. Which would totally rock!!! I am not sure if I have mentioned it on here, but I have been thinking a lot about Baja lately...maybe it has something to do with this?
In the middle of that conversation I got a phone call from the girl who went with me last year. She is in the midst of trying to move to Australia, and called for advice. It was a bit wierd because I have pretty much been in love with her forever, but I found myself encouraging her to do whatever it takes to move down under and be with her new love interest. I guess I say it was wierd because it didn't feel forced, or make me sad in the least. I really do think she should move there...I guess maybe I am actually as "solid" as most people think I am. Now that is scary.
I just noticed something kinda cool...I apparently can't spell very well because I just wrote that last paragraph spelling "wierd" as "weird"...which might be equally accurate, or at least very telling.
In the middle of that conversation I got a phone call from the girl who went with me last year. She is in the midst of trying to move to Australia, and called for advice. It was a bit wierd because I have pretty much been in love with her forever, but I found myself encouraging her to do whatever it takes to move down under and be with her new love interest. I guess I say it was wierd because it didn't feel forced, or make me sad in the least. I really do think she should move there...I guess maybe I am actually as "solid" as most people think I am. Now that is scary.
I just noticed something kinda cool...I apparently can't spell very well because I just wrote that last paragraph spelling "wierd" as "weird"...which might be equally accurate, or at least very telling.
well, you know what they say. the true measure of a man is knowing what he wants, but also knowing when he can't have it. and being ok with that.