It's been ages since I've logged on. It's all different. I'm scared. It took a long time to work out how to write this message. I'm going now. I'm going to take a strong painkiller, curl into a fetal position, Rock from side to side and quietly cry so that only I can hear my pathetic sobs.

Sounds like my weekend...
well now what are the chances, only two months later and I am thinking the exact same thing.
Aww dammit, i always get to your blogs too late. But thank you and i hope all's well in your world.
Congratulations also on your recent employment venture,may it make you money.

Peeps are asking about the rants, theyre all "Deucey! The rants, we want the rants!" Ok, quick disclaimer here, two people, Platy & Wolfie. You dogs is on my Christmas list, no waitMy Krampus list, that fucker will beat the fucking living tar out of you and take you away to his dwelling where he will commit unspeakable acts on your bodies. Wait, no...
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Good to see your starting to feel a tad better and your heart is on the mend. So riddle me this,who/what would you have Christopher Pyne battle with,in a world of slimy fuckers he is one of the slimiest.
Haha yeah i wanted to touch Kate myself back in the day,but to be honest my biggest crush and inspiration from then was Toyah,4'11 of spunky red haired chaos


Peeps are asking about the rants, theyre all "Deucey! The rants, we want the rants!" Ok, quick disclaimer here two people, Platy & Wolfie. You dogs is on my Christmas list, no waitMy Krampus list, that fucker will beat the fucking living tar out of you and take you away to his dwelling where he will commit unspeakable acts on your bodies. Wait, no...
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I always miss the rant.
Damn, I think I missed the rant too... oh well. And yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of apple products, so there was no way in hell I was going to get an iphone.
Vids, enjoy, or not, I believe these are the choices available to you at this point in time.

pick a vid any vid enjoy...

"The thing that the modern-day pundits fail to realize is that all the socioeconomic and psychological problems inherent in modern society can be solved by the judicious application of way too much beer, see...had the earliest morality developed under the influence of beer, there would be no good or evil, there would be "kinda nice" and "pretty cool."

i finally get to use my favorite buffy quote....biggrin
Love Gogel Bordello! So, speechless huh?