YAY for Oktoberfest!! I just got back a few hours ago. it's like 5 am. Took a bus down to Munich. I had a good time. Didn't get nearly drunk enough considering all the alcohol i consumed. I drank somewhere in the vicinity of .....15 shots. Good stuff tho. Forgot to mention that i went to France not too long ago. Marsielles is a beautiful place. And the beaches rock!! Wonderful pebble beaches. So much better than sand.
I'm going to Liverpool on the 11th of Nov. WOO HOO!! i'm so excited
I can't wait for that one. and then i'm supposed to leave Germany
and go to, of all places, Kansas. boo hoo hoo I really don't want to go there. I think i'm scared of going back to the states. People are going to seem so strange and weird compared to Europeans. I don't mean everybody will be strange, just the majority. Cool ppl will always be cool
.........eew, i'm hackin up stuff this color ---->
well, with that wonderful visual i think i'll call it a night and see you all later!!

.........eew, i'm hackin up stuff this color ---->

well, with that wonderful visual i think i'll call it a night and see you all later!!
sorry i haven't kept in touch but i have been so busy with trying to go back home and all. but i must say it was refreshing to hear from you. i hope everything is well and i hope to hear from you soon.