well, i know that no one is reading this, but i feel compelled to write in it anyway. I'm in kansas now. It's ok. I've met some cool people in my new unit an i'm having an alright time. But man do i miss Germany and all my peeps there! I would love to go back. oh well. Good news, the love of my life...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEE!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE IT'S EXCELLENT!!! WHOOPIE!!!! kiss
Happy Birthday! kiss
hey everyone, i'll been outta Germany soon!! smile frown i'm of mixed feelings on this. but, never the less, i'm off in 4 days!! I'll be moving to Kansas and I hope I still have as much fun there. C ya'll on the flip side!
YAY for Oktoberfest!! I just got back a few hours ago. it's like 5 am. Took a bus down to Munich. I had a good time. Didn't get nearly drunk enough considering all the alcohol i consumed. I drank somewhere in the vicinity of .....15 shots. Good stuff tho. Forgot to mention that i went to France not too long ago. Marsielles is a beautiful...
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hey dimples,

sorry i haven't kept in touch but i have been so busy with trying to go back home and all. but i must say it was refreshing to hear from you. i hope everything is well and i hope to hear from you soon.

indeed. venla is a godess. love
hi again,

that is amazing that you are there, because that is where i was suppose to go. feel free to write me cutie.
Why can't i get girl off my mind? It's been over 3years since we broke up. I've seen 11 odd girls since, still i'm stuck on her. What the hell?! Randomness: who the fuck thought to call it "jumbo shrimp"? jackass
i've been so sick the last two days. My tonsils were the size of golf balls, and i'm not exagerating. I had to get a shot of some uber penicilin in my ass along with an assortment of pills today to make me feel better. But you know what? I feel absolutely awesome now! and it's only been 8 hours since the shot and i...
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hey there...how ya doin? I'm just wonderin, why you want to be my friend???...glad to hear you're feeling better, it's amazing what penicillin can do for ya, ain't it!!!!!!!
not to be rude, but ^that^ comment was the first I've ever left you, so what "fun and interesting" conversations have we been having? I usually don't just add random people to my friends list, I usually try to get to know them first...and I don't understand why you think i'm like you and quirky? I definately don't think of myself as quirky, neither would anyone who knows me...
yea, so it's been a while since my last entry. Not much going on really. just the same ol' shit, different day. I'm working at a pub now, in addition to the daily army crap. I love the pub, tho. So the lack of sleep is totally worth it. I'm usually running off of 4 or so hours a night now. It's 8:12 am right...
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kay, so this is a little late. I went to Berlin over july 4th weekend. it rocked! i had a wonderful time. Wish i could have met some of you there, but no one wanted to talk to me. frown oh well, i had fun anyway. that's the newest news I've got. I'm really tired right now and i'm going to bed soon even tho it's...
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damn! love