so here it goes...not that anyone reads this shit but i figured it was my way to girlfriend well i guess technically you could call her that(im not indecisive just confused with her erratic behavior) is trying to join suicide girls which is really cool happy about that cause of course she wants me to take the pictures...ive been riding my motorcycle alot lately which has lead to possible future business endeavors...beacuse all i do is think when i ride which is dangerous cause i should be concentrating on the road(not a big deal cause i live for danger) staring the process of drawing the rest of my arm but the artist that ive trusted would rather draw it frustrated though cause what im drawing isnt coming out the way i want...fuck it ill let him draw it which is fucked up cause ive always drawn all my own work...anyway i joined a motorcycle club here in j-ville,n.c. which is a strictly "crotch rocket" club thats nationally registered...called the suicide shit suicide girls,we are the suicide kings and were reppin our hood(haha i noticed your pretty gangster im pretty gangster myself) ...anyway to be continued until next all you glossy lipped,tattooed,dyed,pierced lovelies out there i bid aduo(i hoped i spelled that right)later...
- D1
- D1
A Giant Glossy "MUAH"