Just a quick update for you today!
To begin with, it looks like another great year at the comic shop! There's a deal in the works that I'm still waiting on, that would see me get 25% of the business which would be awesome. Triple the income (you know, a living wage!), and I'd get work the shop five days a week, instead of just three. And here's a couple quick comic plugs:
Marvel's Siege: Supposedly the capstone of 7 years of epic Marvel events, it's actually off to a pretty good start. Definitely recommended, especially if you're a fan of the Marvel Trinity: Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor!
DCs Blackest Night: The event of 2009 is losing no steam heading into 2010. If you're daunted by the big checklist, stick to Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Blackest Night. These three titles are the heart of the story (no pun intended) and the Green Lantern franchise is the best thing DC has got going on right now! And how are you going to follow
Secret Six: the second best thing DC has going on right now! This is probably the most underrated of the DC books, but one of the best they publish. The art is stellar, and the writing is top notch. The recent addition of Black Alice has only sweetened this potluck of awesome!
Pope Hats: if your local comic shop got this one in and still has it, give thanks to the stars and pick it up. This might be the best indie book for 2009/2010.
Let's see, what else....oh! Personal life is improving: I've met a few women, made a new best friend (a girl- i haven't had a best friend with a vagina since 5th grade!). Her name is Samantha, and she is the balls and the shaft! Been on a few dates. Was seeing this woman who has an open relationship with her husband, but that didn't last very long, which is alright because it was kind of hard to get used to. There's another woman I've seen a couple times, but she keeps canceling our plans lately. But she keeps rescheduling, so I'm not going to quit on her just yet. And there's yet another girl I've been chatting with, but we aren't at a stage were we're going to meet yet, but I'm most hopeful for that to work out! Her name is Roxy, and she both rocks, and is foxy!
I'm doing final revisions on a short story about a girl named after Grover Cleveland (yep, the president). It's a pretty solid story, and I plan to send it out in February. It would be nice be be published my first time out, but I'm not going to hold out hope on that chestnut!
And now for a couple quick SG plugs:
Reagan has a new set out, and it is awesome, like everything else she does. Go check it out and find out for yourself why she's amongst my favorite all-time SGs!
New friend and soon-to-be-SG Phecda is as thoughtful as she is sexy! Her first set went up today, and I don't think it's too bold to predict that it will be on the front page in a manner of weeks, if not days. Her blog is awesome, and not to be missed, so go check it out, and then gawk at her pictures (or vice versa, whichever way grabs you!).
And congratulations to Suri on her impending European escapade! Also, her blog is awesome, check it out; this week she's taking submissions to name her new vibe, so get in on the fun!
And congratulations as well to Jive on her set going live. She's another sweetheart that deserves every bit of spotlight she's afforded!
And be on the lookout for sets from BetteJean; not as the model (poor us!) but as the photog! Find the details in her blog, but a disclaimer to anyone that hasn't had the pleasure of seeing her photographic skills at work, be warned: keep a firm grasp on your heart and remind yourself you are not dreaming.
And that's all from me for now. I'm going to try making a weekly update on the weekends, so more in a couple days.