I received the wedding invitation today for my friend Deatly's wedding. Enclosed was a picture of him and his soon-to-be bride: they are both quite fit, terminally happy, and utterly adorable. It will be so nice to see Deater again, and to meet his lovely young thing. He told me a bit about her already: turns out she was a girl who wouldn't give him the time of day in high school (literally), but now they are lovers of the first class. It's nice to see someone receive the fairytale ending we were all promised. I will take pictures for you all to see. Some might be rather surprised at how nicely I clean up.
Had an unexpected mechanical failure, localized in the gear-shifter cable box of my car. Happened after a meeting in another city, about 30 miles away. It was quite a drag. Fortunately, my brother in-law is a top notch mechanic, and though it will take a bit longer as he will do it in his free time, it's an easy enough fix for him to take care of. It was a great incentive to ride my bike more anyway, which I'd been trying to do more of anyway.
I've been listening to a lot of Cohen lately. His live double-disc from London is one of the finest performances he's ever given. Simply awesome. If you are a fan and you've not picked this up yet, you should make a point to.
I did find out my friends won't be leaving, at least not yet. My friend Adam, who was going to move to Denver, found a job here in Boise and will be staying. My other friend (best friend, really) had his Peace Corp interview, but won't be deployed anywhere for at least a year. Hurray!
My sister told me she has a couple girls who have been wanting to meet me. She didn't or, wouldn't, say how they came to know me, only that they thought I was cute, and they already know some of the more embarrassing facts of my status quo (cryptic, no?), but are still interested. Of course, nothing has come of it yet, nothing is likely to as far as I believe. Of course, if I'm wrong, you all will be the first to know.
I just picked up Billy Collins' The Trouble with Poetry. It was the only book he's published that I hadn't picked up, and so I think I'll retire for the evening to read it. Billy Collins is one of my literary idols, I just can't wait to get to it. Another one for you to check out if you find the time. Through the miracle of the Web, I'm sure if you Google his name, you can read some of his poems. My favorite book he's written is The Art of Drowning. Check out the poems "Death Beds," "The Best Cigarette," and the title poem "The Art of Drowning." If you go here:Billy Collins open-source readings you can actually hear him read these and other poems.
That's all for now. I'm misspelling, so I must be tired. Time to rest with some Collins.
You all must take care; if you don't, nobody else will.
-Craig AxHx
Had an unexpected mechanical failure, localized in the gear-shifter cable box of my car. Happened after a meeting in another city, about 30 miles away. It was quite a drag. Fortunately, my brother in-law is a top notch mechanic, and though it will take a bit longer as he will do it in his free time, it's an easy enough fix for him to take care of. It was a great incentive to ride my bike more anyway, which I'd been trying to do more of anyway.
I've been listening to a lot of Cohen lately. His live double-disc from London is one of the finest performances he's ever given. Simply awesome. If you are a fan and you've not picked this up yet, you should make a point to.
I did find out my friends won't be leaving, at least not yet. My friend Adam, who was going to move to Denver, found a job here in Boise and will be staying. My other friend (best friend, really) had his Peace Corp interview, but won't be deployed anywhere for at least a year. Hurray!
My sister told me she has a couple girls who have been wanting to meet me. She didn't or, wouldn't, say how they came to know me, only that they thought I was cute, and they already know some of the more embarrassing facts of my status quo (cryptic, no?), but are still interested. Of course, nothing has come of it yet, nothing is likely to as far as I believe. Of course, if I'm wrong, you all will be the first to know.
I just picked up Billy Collins' The Trouble with Poetry. It was the only book he's published that I hadn't picked up, and so I think I'll retire for the evening to read it. Billy Collins is one of my literary idols, I just can't wait to get to it. Another one for you to check out if you find the time. Through the miracle of the Web, I'm sure if you Google his name, you can read some of his poems. My favorite book he's written is The Art of Drowning. Check out the poems "Death Beds," "The Best Cigarette," and the title poem "The Art of Drowning." If you go here:Billy Collins open-source readings you can actually hear him read these and other poems.
That's all for now. I'm misspelling, so I must be tired. Time to rest with some Collins.
You all must take care; if you don't, nobody else will.
-Craig AxHx
I sure hope you're right.