so, the old man asks me if i can "help him with something" after work last night. of coursei said OK. i was expecting some manual labour of some sorts, but no. a bunch of his old buddies from his drinking days were in town for a funeral, and they wanted to go out for diner, and play some cards. he wanted to use me as an escape excuse to leave if he wanted....
so we get diner, and a few beers. then we're going back to their hotel's lounge, and play some poker. i instead, suggest we hit a titty off to WV we go!
there were three girls workning i went to highschool with. i bought my pops a lapdance from one of them. funny shit, cuz she didn't find out he was my dad till after.
then we went home, i was asleep by 11:30 i think, crashed right out. ...and that was enough father/son bonding for the rest of this year...
today it is raining. and it's cold, so that means ice. ice sucks, i'd rather have snow. i've fallen flat on my ass twice today already. no one has picked up salt yet, ands everyplace is sold out. figures.....hope the roads are decent tonight, so i can go see the lady.
that's all for now.
later gator
so we get diner, and a few beers. then we're going back to their hotel's lounge, and play some poker. i instead, suggest we hit a titty off to WV we go!
there were three girls workning i went to highschool with. i bought my pops a lapdance from one of them. funny shit, cuz she didn't find out he was my dad till after.
then we went home, i was asleep by 11:30 i think, crashed right out. ...and that was enough father/son bonding for the rest of this year...
today it is raining. and it's cold, so that means ice. ice sucks, i'd rather have snow. i've fallen flat on my ass twice today already. no one has picked up salt yet, ands everyplace is sold out. figures.....hope the roads are decent tonight, so i can go see the lady.
that's all for now.
later gator

thats an awesome story

i need ur addy so i can send u an xmas card!!