Hey all!! So, I've been thinking (uh oh, everyone run for the hills lol) and there's something I see ALL over my feed that kinda bothers me. Now, don't be all "typical guy response" to me, but am I the only one who finds it contradictory and more than a little frustrating that SGs and Hopefuls that already have nudes posted to their SG profiles...
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Hey all, for those who live in the US (or can receive TV stations from the US) and like classic rock (they probably have other genres on there, but I'm not sure), there's this station called AXS TV that put on a positively face-melting Led Zeppelin concert a few nights ago (started at about midnight Eastern time) and has an extensive library of other concerts...
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OK, so I had a random thought pop up in my head just a few minutes ago while I was eating dinner. At least here in the US (readers of other countries are still welcome to continue), it seems like defamation, of our President and other public figures, is spreading like an epidemic. For those who are familiar with the First Amendment of the US...
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Hey guys. Let me get a few things out of the way. First off, for those who haven't clicked "vital stats" and/or cannot see it, I am a 24 year old American man living on the US Eastern Seaboard. As for my take on the "focus" of Suicide Girls (tats and piercings), I have no intention of ever doing something like that to myself. That...
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I'll try to make this short...today was my first ever day of classes at the awesome Towson University, having been accepted last fall. The acceptance alone was a huge thrill for me, because I had been trudging through community college for WAY too long. On a side note, I hope you will forgive my lack of photographs; my countenance isn't exactly what defines me as...
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Hey, it's me again. First off, please, PLEASE understand that I am a total supporter of the dissolution of typical gender pigeonholes and the recognition of the rights of ALL citizens, including members of the LGBT community. However, I am still a little weirded out by the fact that many of the things on my profile are pink, despite having my gender listed as male....
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OK, so I know that the places on your profile where you put what movies, games, etc. you like are based off of a link system; i.e. if you click on the name of that movie or whatever you'll get everyone else who likes that thing, but did SG REALLY have to delete some of the more "complicated" entries I put?! I gave them a...
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