This chick is off to S'toon today.
To see my baby girl off - she is no longer living under the same roof as I.
Hahaha..... but seriously
She IS moving, and I am sad
I just keep thinking about how she's not gonna be at home waiting for me anymore. And I won't be able to just come home, and be like "Lets go out for supper bitch!!!"
I'm gonna miss the little fart.
Despite our problems, she IS my best friend. She is the most amazing, kind, sensitive, smart, funny, girl you will ever meet. And I heart her.
We slept in the same bed last night just for old time sakes (we used to share a room when we were little / a bed)
I won't get to do that anymore.
It feels like she's not my sister anymore. It's weird.
And I'm the oldest... I should be moving out.
Oh well cest la vie.

To see my baby girl off - she is no longer living under the same roof as I.

Hahaha..... but seriously
She IS moving, and I am sad
I just keep thinking about how she's not gonna be at home waiting for me anymore. And I won't be able to just come home, and be like "Lets go out for supper bitch!!!"
I'm gonna miss the little fart.
Despite our problems, she IS my best friend. She is the most amazing, kind, sensitive, smart, funny, girl you will ever meet. And I heart her.
We slept in the same bed last night just for old time sakes (we used to share a room when we were little / a bed)
I won't get to do that anymore.
It feels like she's not my sister anymore. It's weird.
And I'm the oldest... I should be moving out.
Oh well cest la vie.

Today I took her to campus and attempted to show her around and what not, it was a fun time had by all. I showed her all the buildings and what not on campus, basically I did the best tour I could.
And yes I did think her going out and dancing the eve before classes start was a little strange, but Im confident that she will go alright. I'll make sure of it.
As for broken nose boy, as it goes I was driving home from work and I got cought up in the returning traffic of the people coming home from the fireworks show sunday night. And there were people everywhere, walking down the middle of the on comming lane ( the lane I was in ) people biking all over the place in an unsafe disorderly fashion. There was no police directioning or anything, I thought it was retarded, traffic was heavy and there were even a few accidents.
I was going down this street and I had come to a stand still in the middle of a sea of people walking towards me in my lane, many many minutes has passed and I had only moved forward a few feet, I was rather aggrivated from work as it was but was happy to leave work for home, but didnt expect to get cought in traffic like I did.
So Im sitting there in the lane with all these people and theres this group of kids, musta been in there 17 an 18s, or maybe even 19 and 20s who knows. This one little shit thinks hes cool and winds up and slaps the entenai of my car I was driving. I throw it into neutral and pull up the Ebrake, and get outa the car "exscuse me dont you think that was a bit rude? ", and he was trying to be all cool infront of his friends and was like " yeah but what are you gona do about it?" So I let the car door open and walked around and inspected the entena and it was fine but I was like " you should really consider having more respect for property of other peoples, then again thats already asking to much from likes of a person who doesnt even have pubes yet."
I think the comment set him off a little, who would have guessed the idea of pubic hair could anger someone. He stepped forward and took a swing at me. It wasnt really a swing though, more like a slow motion hey lets try and act tough routine. I grabbed him by his shirt collar pulled him forward and drove my fist into his face with enough force to probly knock his eyes into the back of his head. It was quick, he was very dazed, he staggered as blood ran from his nose, 1 second later he fell to the ground in a heap. I I drew my attention from him to his friends, I shot them a glance wondering which one of them would be the next, but they were smart and didnt try anything, I was lucky myself cause I there would have been no way I could taken them all, I am not in the shape to fight right now. Im still to weak, but well its good to know that even I can break a persons nose in 1 hit. I havent heard anything of it since. I dont think they bothered to take down a plate number, if they had I would have had a constable at my door by now.
And there you go, the story of how I broke some little pukes face