My sister tried to kill herself last night.
She's okay now, but last night was the worst night of my life... she's in Michigan for a wrestling camp, and my parents got a call from the coach saying she'd taken all of her anit-depresants, sleeping pills, and a bunch of tyelenol.
Now my parents are on their way to Michigan, and I'm stuck here, because of stupid work. I was able to get today off - cuz I didn't know what was going to happen.... I probably should have taken Sat and Sun off too, b/c I need to see my baby girl.
But I'm stuck here... alone... my best friend is in Greenwater, and my boyfriend is in Calgary. And I have no one else I can turn to.
Well my sister just called..... man.... hearing her voice was SO hard..... I just started bawling....she says that she didn't try to kill hersel.... that she just took too many sleeping pills b/c she couldn't fall asleep.... but I don't believe her.... the doctors said that she had tylenol in her system.... which is not from sleeping pills... plus she had been saying (before she went on the anit-depresants) that she didn't want to live (not that she wanted to kill her self... she just didn't want to live) and my sister is a magnificent liar.
God.... I can't beleive it.... you always hear of people dieing/committing suicide... but you always think t won't happen to you, or anyone you know... and then it hits home... it happened to my little one... and I almost lost her....
I'm so thankful that shes alright now... she sounded good on the phone... really good. I miss her...
She's okay now, but last night was the worst night of my life... she's in Michigan for a wrestling camp, and my parents got a call from the coach saying she'd taken all of her anit-depresants, sleeping pills, and a bunch of tyelenol.
Now my parents are on their way to Michigan, and I'm stuck here, because of stupid work. I was able to get today off - cuz I didn't know what was going to happen.... I probably should have taken Sat and Sun off too, b/c I need to see my baby girl.
But I'm stuck here... alone... my best friend is in Greenwater, and my boyfriend is in Calgary. And I have no one else I can turn to.
Well my sister just called..... man.... hearing her voice was SO hard..... I just started bawling....she says that she didn't try to kill hersel.... that she just took too many sleeping pills b/c she couldn't fall asleep.... but I don't believe her.... the doctors said that she had tylenol in her system.... which is not from sleeping pills... plus she had been saying (before she went on the anit-depresants) that she didn't want to live (not that she wanted to kill her self... she just didn't want to live) and my sister is a magnificent liar.
God.... I can't beleive it.... you always hear of people dieing/committing suicide... but you always think t won't happen to you, or anyone you know... and then it hits home... it happened to my little one... and I almost lost her....
I'm so thankful that shes alright now... she sounded good on the phone... really good. I miss her...
Is your sister okay now? Are you okay?

That's great news. There's 2 people on my friends list whose family members tried to hurt themselves. Starcandy's brother jumped in front of a car.