Me and TokyoSevn are planning to steal a house in Stoon. One of the big ones by the river. We're just gonna walk in, and tell them we live there now.
Anywayes... last night I saw the movie Madagascar... WAY FUNNY! I liked it a lot! Go see it. RIGHT NOW! It's funny!
I'm writing a book. I decided this last night. I don't know why. But I think it'll be pretty good. I've got everything figured out, and the prolouge written. It's a gooder... my sister and my mum like it so far. But I think it's their job to like it.
M and I hung out last night. I like him. He makes me very happy. Especially when he kisses my neck and shoulders. That makes me REALLY happy.
I wanna go rollarblading... but I'm scared it's gonna start raining on me. And I don't have a CD player to listen to. Or MP3 player for that matter. And that makes me sad.
"There is no other one that can take your place, I feel happy inside when I see your face. I hope you believe me, because I speak sincerely, and I mean it when I tell you I need you.... I'm here right beside you. I will never leave you, and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying" ~~ Weezer - My Best Friend
Anywayes... last night I saw the movie Madagascar... WAY FUNNY! I liked it a lot! Go see it. RIGHT NOW! It's funny!

I'm writing a book. I decided this last night. I don't know why. But I think it'll be pretty good. I've got everything figured out, and the prolouge written. It's a gooder... my sister and my mum like it so far. But I think it's their job to like it.
M and I hung out last night. I like him. He makes me very happy. Especially when he kisses my neck and shoulders. That makes me REALLY happy.
I wanna go rollarblading... but I'm scared it's gonna start raining on me. And I don't have a CD player to listen to. Or MP3 player for that matter. And that makes me sad.
"There is no other one that can take your place, I feel happy inside when I see your face. I hope you believe me, because I speak sincerely, and I mean it when I tell you I need you.... I'm here right beside you. I will never leave you, and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying" ~~ Weezer - My Best Friend
Tossing more men into the grinder??