I went stupid on not updating/replying this week. So don't take it personally if I didnt write back to your comment... I still love you!!
Anywayes... one thing I hate about wrestling... saying goodbye to these:
My industrial
My nipple
They just kept getting infected, and gross, and I couldn't get my industrial in anymore... and when I did, it would just keep bleeding, and my nipple was all scabby and pussy, and it hurt even when nothing was touching it.
I'm SO sad. And this pbly sounds stupid, but just looking at those pics makes me sad. Those were my two favourite piercings, and now they're gone.
I wanna cry! I'm such a nerd.
Anywayes... one thing I hate about wrestling... saying goodbye to these:

My industrial

My nipple
They just kept getting infected, and gross, and I couldn't get my industrial in anymore... and when I did, it would just keep bleeding, and my nipple was all scabby and pussy, and it hurt even when nothing was touching it.
I'm SO sad. And this pbly sounds stupid, but just looking at those pics makes me sad. Those were my two favourite piercings, and now they're gone.
I wanna cry! I'm such a nerd.
Make an appearance; I'll watch for you. Falling into nothing... they're kinda punk and wannabe hardcore but not really; I like them a lot actually. And not just cause it's my friend- I WOULD tell them if they sucked. 2 of the 4 other bands I've heard- one sucks and one is pretty good.
I'm interviewing at the U of R with a couple profs for summer jobs in their labs... big science nerd here, I'm trying to plan ahead and see if I can the cushy well-paying and fun lab job before everyone else does. GO ME.
I know I write a lot. I talk a lot too. I go on and on till I wanna kick myself in the head. I'm awesome like that.
but you're allergic to cats?! that really sucks!! i dunno what i'd do without a cat or a dog that acted like a cat (ie: my mom's kidogat.. it's part dog, part cat and entirely her 3rd child)
you know what's odd? i've never been so drawn to someone that i've actually asked to go to school. even if it meant, without a doubt, getting laid in the bathroom by three of the most amazing girls there and then finding true love right after (or during
Know what'd be hotter than my fantasy? Your fantasy (altho I think my image of a hott drummer with black hair and a lip ring is slightly different than your image of a hott drummer with black hair and a lip ring).
How's aboot this:
Going out, meeting a random drummer with black hair and a lip ring, going outside to a small park where he/she ties you to a tree, blindfolded and ravaged.
Altho... that DOES kinda sound like a solid description of rape.. hmm.. fine line there is. i guess as long as everyone involved is all consenting-like it's all good. Until the popo shows