I HATE RIDES! Okay?! Just lay off, and stop trying to make me go on them. I don't like being upside down, I don't like being twirled, and I ESPECIALLY don't like going on rides that are set up in a few days.
So yeah, I went to the Exhibition today. It was alright, but it had to end early b/c we were rained on. I splashed in all the puddles and came home soaking wet!
But anywayes, back to the point of this story. I don't like rides. I don't mind rollar coasters... but rides, like the Pirate Ship, or the G-Force, or the Fire Ball (all the Reginians will know what I'm talking about) scare the living beejeebus out of me.
So I went to the Ex with my friends, and got a wristband thing. I was planning to go on the rollar coaster, and the Swings, and the non-scary rides... but my friends tried to make me go on the ones I don't like.
They finally convinced me to go on one.. and it was HORRIBLE! I was petrified... my legs were shaking, and I was crying, and I did not have fun. They just laughed at me and called me a pussy.
Oh well... it was okay I guess, minus being forced into rides I don't like.
And the funny thing is that I can go on really scary rollar coasters like this one:
This was the scariest rollar coaster in all of England when I lived there...I rode it when I was TEN!
Anywayes... sorry I haven't updated in forever... and I probably wont update for another week! I'm sorry!
So yeah, I went to the Exhibition today. It was alright, but it had to end early b/c we were rained on. I splashed in all the puddles and came home soaking wet!
But anywayes, back to the point of this story. I don't like rides. I don't mind rollar coasters... but rides, like the Pirate Ship, or the G-Force, or the Fire Ball (all the Reginians will know what I'm talking about) scare the living beejeebus out of me.
So I went to the Ex with my friends, and got a wristband thing. I was planning to go on the rollar coaster, and the Swings, and the non-scary rides... but my friends tried to make me go on the ones I don't like.
They finally convinced me to go on one.. and it was HORRIBLE! I was petrified... my legs were shaking, and I was crying, and I did not have fun. They just laughed at me and called me a pussy.

Oh well... it was okay I guess, minus being forced into rides I don't like.
And the funny thing is that I can go on really scary rollar coasters like this one:
This was the scariest rollar coaster in all of England when I lived there...I rode it when I was TEN!
Anywayes... sorry I haven't updated in forever... and I probably wont update for another week! I'm sorry!

i will continue the story soon
Nemsis at the age of 10, you brave thing
no actually i lied.
my real name is kristin. one of my boyfriend (rob)'s nicknames for me is "k". now everyone calls me k. and friends of his actually think my name is k, but they spell it cai. and it's stuck.
my brother riley's girlfriend's name is cailya, but its said
ca-eye-la. not "kay...", but "ca-eye...". is your sister
"kay-lee" or "ca-eye-lee"?
your pictures are awesome. i predict that you will be a future suicide girl. i saw your set on the hopefuls site, and its one of the best.
as for the lip piercing, hmmm... i'd say, one in the middle.