So it's a Tuesday night, I have school tomorrow. At 8:30am. What do you think I'm doign?
10 billion points if you said playing on the computer whilst drinking an orange cream swirl cooler. (YEAH!).... I've got about 5 sips left, and I'm already feeling a buzz (I guess that's what happens when you go for a run, and don't eat, and then drink!!)
Anywhhhhhhhho. Fun stuff in my STUPID STUPID class today.
Some of the stupid communists (yes, stupid.. I LIKE CAPITALISM, AND MONEY... bitches).
Anyways, the commies today said that Jesus's last supper was "CHINCEY". Then they tried to say they meant "thrifty"...... you're stupid - shut the fuck up.
Now, I never thought that this would offend me... but it DID! I was so pissed. And this is our Social Studies class where our prof preaches to us about tolerance, and discussing discrimination like that. So what does she do?
Ummmmmmm, laughs.
Yeah, regardless of whether or not YOU beleive in God, that's still offensive. IDIOT.
So tonight I plan to kill all her shoes. Yes, her shoes. Cuz she's a bitch, who only likes shoes. Skank.
Kareoke at the owl in 1 hour. Perhaps I should crack open another cream swirl?
I will have to get the parental units to drive me to the Owl.
Ohhhh yeah, is it easy to put on makeup while half cut?
P.S. I dyed my hair again, now it's brown.
LEAVE ME LOTS OF MESSAGES, I only got 11 last time. You don't really hate me? Do you?
------ EDIT APRIL 5TH/06 ------
So this is my hair dark (the light is inda weird, it looks a lot darker than that normally)
And yes... I'm hungover, and have makeup all over my face.... I'm hawt... so STFU

10 billion points if you said playing on the computer whilst drinking an orange cream swirl cooler. (YEAH!).... I've got about 5 sips left, and I'm already feeling a buzz (I guess that's what happens when you go for a run, and don't eat, and then drink!!)
Anywhhhhhhhho. Fun stuff in my STUPID STUPID class today.
Some of the stupid communists (yes, stupid.. I LIKE CAPITALISM, AND MONEY... bitches).
Anyways, the commies today said that Jesus's last supper was "CHINCEY". Then they tried to say they meant "thrifty"...... you're stupid - shut the fuck up.
Now, I never thought that this would offend me... but it DID! I was so pissed. And this is our Social Studies class where our prof preaches to us about tolerance, and discussing discrimination like that. So what does she do?
Ummmmmmm, laughs.
Yeah, regardless of whether or not YOU beleive in God, that's still offensive. IDIOT.
So tonight I plan to kill all her shoes. Yes, her shoes. Cuz she's a bitch, who only likes shoes. Skank.
Kareoke at the owl in 1 hour. Perhaps I should crack open another cream swirl?
I will have to get the parental units to drive me to the Owl.
Ohhhh yeah, is it easy to put on makeup while half cut?
P.S. I dyed my hair again, now it's brown.
LEAVE ME LOTS OF MESSAGES, I only got 11 last time. You don't really hate me? Do you?
------ EDIT APRIL 5TH/06 ------
So this is my hair dark (the light is inda weird, it looks a lot darker than that normally)
And yes... I'm hungover, and have makeup all over my face.... I'm hawt... so STFU

I don't care for it too much