On Tuesday, I went to the Thrice show in S'toon (Okay, actually it was the My Chemical Romance show)
WEEEEEEEEE they are number 3 on my top 5 bands I have to see. Alls I have left is Rise Against and Strung Out. Both of whom have been to the Vag, but for some reason or other, I was unable to go.
Anyways, Thrice was good. So good, they sounded like their CD. I was in awe. Then I ran into Asthenia.... litterally. I tackled the poor lady. I think I scared the shit out of her! But I was pumped to see her!!
Then came MCR. WOW! So much better than I was expecting. Which was a total bonus. I don't mind MCR, but the lead singer was totally awesome, and involved in the crowd, so that got me into it.
Not to mention he gave me a boner. GOD HE IS HOT!!!
Definatelly wanna bone down on this guy. *drooool*
I blonded my hair.... meaning I'm turning into a girl.
Woe is me.
BUT! I added 5 lbs to my bench press, and 10lbs to my sqauts. So I still kick ass!
Go listen to Panic! At The Disco. I love them. Thanks to Astheia for introducing them to me! WWEEE!
WEEEEEEEEE they are number 3 on my top 5 bands I have to see. Alls I have left is Rise Against and Strung Out. Both of whom have been to the Vag, but for some reason or other, I was unable to go.
Anyways, Thrice was good. So good, they sounded like their CD. I was in awe. Then I ran into Asthenia.... litterally. I tackled the poor lady. I think I scared the shit out of her! But I was pumped to see her!!

Then came MCR. WOW! So much better than I was expecting. Which was a total bonus. I don't mind MCR, but the lead singer was totally awesome, and involved in the crowd, so that got me into it.
Not to mention he gave me a boner. GOD HE IS HOT!!!
Definatelly wanna bone down on this guy. *drooool*
I blonded my hair.... meaning I'm turning into a girl.
Woe is me.
BUT! I added 5 lbs to my bench press, and 10lbs to my sqauts. So I still kick ass!

Go listen to Panic! At The Disco. I love them. Thanks to Astheia for introducing them to me! WWEEE!
Ha Ha! Thats excellent!!!
by which i mean i'm at home alone...
on the internet...
by myself...