I have a credit card. I wanna buy this:
and this:
and this:
and this:
and these:
and the hoody... but I can't find it. So maybe it's not for sale anymore. Whatever the case, I CAN NOT buy this stuff. I would be broke beyond belief if I did. DO NOT let me buy it. DO NOT!
I can't get anything until after Christmas at least, cuz I will be broke until then... damn Christmas presents
I smell like a rib right now
---- TokyoSevens journal got me thinking today. I hate school too.
I am constantly thinking of way that I can skip class. I don't want to be there. Honestly... my boyfriends sister is a manager of a little dinky jewelry store, and I envy her. I wish I could drop out of school and do nothing.
Well, not nothing, cuz I wanna buy a house, and stuff... but..... right now... in my third year of university, I can't take it anymore. IT'S STUPID!
And I'm not even sure if I wanna be a teacher (I love teaching, but I don't think I'm good enough..... shut it... I know, no body is good at something when they first start, but I'm so scared I'm going to be the worst teacher ever... no one understands all the work that goes on in the background, and it's A LOT! And it's scary!)
So that's my rant for the day.
And now I'm gonna go do some homework.... CURSE YOU SCHOOL, CURSE YOU!
At least there is only THREE WEEKS left.

and this:

and this:

and this:

and these:

and the hoody... but I can't find it. So maybe it's not for sale anymore. Whatever the case, I CAN NOT buy this stuff. I would be broke beyond belief if I did. DO NOT let me buy it. DO NOT!
I can't get anything until after Christmas at least, cuz I will be broke until then... damn Christmas presents
I smell like a rib right now
---- TokyoSevens journal got me thinking today. I hate school too.
I am constantly thinking of way that I can skip class. I don't want to be there. Honestly... my boyfriends sister is a manager of a little dinky jewelry store, and I envy her. I wish I could drop out of school and do nothing.
Well, not nothing, cuz I wanna buy a house, and stuff... but..... right now... in my third year of university, I can't take it anymore. IT'S STUPID!
And I'm not even sure if I wanna be a teacher (I love teaching, but I don't think I'm good enough..... shut it... I know, no body is good at something when they first start, but I'm so scared I'm going to be the worst teacher ever... no one understands all the work that goes on in the background, and it's A LOT! And it's scary!)
So that's my rant for the day.
And now I'm gonna go do some homework.... CURSE YOU SCHOOL, CURSE YOU!
At least there is only THREE WEEKS left.

Hurray for the credit card! Looks like you have a nice wish list going there.