Thanks everyone who commented on my photoshopping SKILLZ!!!!~!1!!
I'm gonna try somehting new with some pictures from my favourite SGs.... when I get it done, I'll deffinately show you all!
EDIT here is one that I've done (its not very good):

I had thanksgiving dinner last night at my bfs house. Aside from being deathly allergice to his cats (and as a result waking up this morning with a nose that won't stop runnng)
It was quite possibly the best thanksgiving I've ever had
I love that boy...

and his family is amazing. We played ping-pong, and had a big tourny (his mum and I were on the same team... we got third, and I've never played before!!!) and I made horses with his nieces on the computer... they are the cutest little girls EVER! And yeah... it was the only thanksgiving that I've actually been to where the family actually acts like a FAMILY!!!!
My normal thanksgivings are nice with my big 25 people family, but no one gets along, and it always ends up in a huge fight. So it was nice this year to be with people who actually like each other. Last night was an example of what a family should be. And I loved it!!
Have fun with Photoshop. I have CD's filled with tutorials somewhere (if I had to find them), or you could borrow a book from the library or settle into a chair at Chapters and do some stealth reading!! LOL