This will be a long ass blog, so forgive my ranting and complaining.
So I have been kind of sick lately. I have a sharp pain on my side, by my hip. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and he put me on a diet and has me taking medicine that doesn't do a damn thing to help me. I had to call in to work that day, and because I am the only one in the morning who can work the registers and open the store properly, my manager took me off the schedule. I went to her last week asking if I can at least have a few days a week. So without telling me, she put me on the schedule for this weekend. First of all, I dont have my own car to drive myself, I was feeling like shit, and I had a family Halloween party to go to. So she got mad and had someone call me telling me that I'm completely off the schedule and had a co-worker of mine pick up my store keys. There is no winning with my boss. So now I have to call the store owner to talk to him about it. But the thing is that he and my boss are really close. So I don't know if It'll work. Gotta try anyways. So me being taken off the schedule "for good" to my boss, means I am fired. Because she's tpp much of a pussy to tell me, or anyone else she's "fired" to their face.
Rent is due by the 4th(at the latest), I dont have enough to cover my half. My sister has a job but because she only work weekends she doesnt think she needs to help pay for anything. I have now applied at about 6 places and have another 20 places to try. If I can't find a job within the next couple of weeks, I will lose my apartment. And it's not even just me losing it, my sister and her family will lose it. Unless they kick me out and replace me, which wouldnt surprise me. My parents may be able to help, but only so much.
This will be the 2nd apartment I've lost this year. I don't want to have to go to my parent's house again, take over my little sister's room, again and wait to have my own room, my own bathroom, kitchen, washer and dryer, closet, and living room. As much as I love hanging out with my family, I love being independant and having a space that is all my own.
I'm sick, lost my job and losing my apartment. FML.
So I have been kind of sick lately. I have a sharp pain on my side, by my hip. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and he put me on a diet and has me taking medicine that doesn't do a damn thing to help me. I had to call in to work that day, and because I am the only one in the morning who can work the registers and open the store properly, my manager took me off the schedule. I went to her last week asking if I can at least have a few days a week. So without telling me, she put me on the schedule for this weekend. First of all, I dont have my own car to drive myself, I was feeling like shit, and I had a family Halloween party to go to. So she got mad and had someone call me telling me that I'm completely off the schedule and had a co-worker of mine pick up my store keys. There is no winning with my boss. So now I have to call the store owner to talk to him about it. But the thing is that he and my boss are really close. So I don't know if It'll work. Gotta try anyways. So me being taken off the schedule "for good" to my boss, means I am fired. Because she's tpp much of a pussy to tell me, or anyone else she's "fired" to their face.
Rent is due by the 4th(at the latest), I dont have enough to cover my half. My sister has a job but because she only work weekends she doesnt think she needs to help pay for anything. I have now applied at about 6 places and have another 20 places to try. If I can't find a job within the next couple of weeks, I will lose my apartment. And it's not even just me losing it, my sister and her family will lose it. Unless they kick me out and replace me, which wouldnt surprise me. My parents may be able to help, but only so much.
This will be the 2nd apartment I've lost this year. I don't want to have to go to my parent's house again, take over my little sister's room, again and wait to have my own room, my own bathroom, kitchen, washer and dryer, closet, and living room. As much as I love hanging out with my family, I love being independant and having a space that is all my own.
I'm sick, lost my job and losing my apartment. FML.
im sorry hun i know how u feel. i went from living on my own with a job and a gf and then lost it all. though i have a wonderful gf now my job treats me like shit and i live at home with my how i planned my life by 25
the zombie walk went great
cheer up lady, things always have a way of working out!!