I've finally made it to the big 2-0. Yay. It was kinda depressing to think about it when I woke up this morning for the simple fact that Donnie and I had all of these big plans, but Im OK with it now. I am spending it with the people that really love and care about me. I've realized that it won't be that hard to find someone when I am ready. I have a lot to offer and should give myself more credit.
Anyway. My sister and I are suppose to go to the movies tonight but I have no idea what we plan on going to see. I kinda want to go see something scary, but Meg won't. Ha. My mom seems kinda put off that we made plans without her but for the last 3 or 4 years she hasn't done anything with me even if I didn't have any plans. She fucking forgot it one year, nice huh?
Im just hopin for a fun night. I've already told everyone that next year for the 21st we are all going to Platnum Plus (a strip club in Portland, ME). Id shake my shit on Amature Night, lmfao. What a sight that would be.......
Happy Bday to me, Im gettin some birthday ass tonight! w00tw00t
Anyway. My sister and I are suppose to go to the movies tonight but I have no idea what we plan on going to see. I kinda want to go see something scary, but Meg won't. Ha. My mom seems kinda put off that we made plans without her but for the last 3 or 4 years she hasn't done anything with me even if I didn't have any plans. She fucking forgot it one year, nice huh?

Happy Bday to me, Im gettin some birthday ass tonight! w00tw00t

It's always important for someone to think of us on our birthday. My family and I try to ignore mine every year for persoanl reasons. But I want others to know that they aren't forgotten.
<3 Make sure you have fun!