I wrote a long journal today but it was erased so this is my second attempt. I have been having an awesome experience with people lately. I have been telling them about moving and everyone is all about it. Everyone seems to think it is a great idea and that makes me feel better about moving besides that it is going to be cool. I did not really know how I was going to get my car to Illinois but my girl isn't taking her car so she can help me drive because I dont really drive... so that will be cool but you can't really pack much with 2 people with a cat in an 85 firebird but oh well it will be a Spartan existence for a while..

be careful driving through indiania. i have received three speeding tickets in indiania but never lived there - every time i drive through i get a ticket. I think its their largest source of state income
also, think about mailing some stuff to yourself. when i moved here from seattle i moved all my books, magizines, ect using us postal mail. its cheap and dosen't charge more for distance
you are on the cusp of a great adventure