What a week-end...
You know Sunday morning I thought that the most exhausting thing in my life was to go to the fitness, to watch a whole season of The Young and The Restless, to iron my shirts... or have a family-dinner after a beeraholic party.
But all those stuffs are nothing...
Pick up three SG early in the morning, and try to have a serious professional fashion shoot with them and you will discover what's the real pain !
When somebody says " fashion shoot ", people immediately think about glam, sun, islands, beach, studio, champagne.... yeah yeah yeah !
This time it was more hunghover faces, funky music, laughter, bubbles, foam & children's garden...
I'm kidding: it was marvellous, intense & so perfect !!
With all my love I thank Geisha, Maedusa & Sinnah to help the team for those pictures.
Girls, you ROCK ! You kick asses !
I send you some backstage pictures, the finals will be secretely kept for the next issue of Landscape Magazine !

The next are the Boub's pictures

If you want to see more sweethearts, dont' forget to have a look here !
You know Sunday morning I thought that the most exhausting thing in my life was to go to the fitness, to watch a whole season of The Young and The Restless, to iron my shirts... or have a family-dinner after a beeraholic party.
But all those stuffs are nothing...
Pick up three SG early in the morning, and try to have a serious professional fashion shoot with them and you will discover what's the real pain !
When somebody says " fashion shoot ", people immediately think about glam, sun, islands, beach, studio, champagne.... yeah yeah yeah !
This time it was more hunghover faces, funky music, laughter, bubbles, foam & children's garden...
I'm kidding: it was marvellous, intense & so perfect !!
With all my love I thank Geisha, Maedusa & Sinnah to help the team for those pictures.
Girls, you ROCK ! You kick asses !
I send you some backstage pictures, the finals will be secretely kept for the next issue of Landscape Magazine !

The next are the Boub's pictures

If you want to see more sweethearts, dont' forget to have a look here !
Le cheminement a t long avant d'arriver jusqu' CE livre-ci, j'ai essay de faire un cube en plexiglas plein de prismes l'intrieur et dont les diffrentes facettes seraient recouvertes de trames diffrentes, de filtres solaires effet miroir ou transparent, etc.
Finalement, impossible de faire a de faon soigne alors j'ai entrepris un nouveau travail, celui-ci.
En fait, l'objet ....
J'voulais te le dcrire mais j'te ferai des photos et je t'enverrai par msn ce soir, ce sera plus simple non ?