I'm looking for a translator ( FRENCH to ENGLISH ).
As you might know I'm the owner of a free magazine called LANDSCAPE MAGAZINE. It's distributed in Belgium and in France, you can also find online for free. Sucette drawn the cover of the latest issue.
We're a free magazine that is currently in French and in Dutch... Read More
So... MY NEW TATTOO IS DONE ! 3 lines around my calf !
- 1 line of 3 cm / 1 of 4 cm and 1 of 7 cm
- 4 hours in one shot ( curiously without pain, but with a lot of fun )
- needles 13 & 15
- black black black
I'm swimming in hapiness, but the joy has a price... Read More
Yeahhh. Crazy times. I'm a little fucked right now. I don't have a passport, it got stolen whilst I was in Amsterdam. I'm stuck here. I want to come!!! I want to shoot with you!!! ARRRGGHHH...
You and your little lady are coming to say hey on Friday right? I hope the weathers good.
I wanna see yours and "Geisha's" new tattoos.
I can't wake up and go out of my bed to go to work at the stupid design office for which I work in the day.
They think we work for Karl Lagerfeld, but we design for cats and dogs.
They are sure to have the sharpest concepts of the world, but it's only a pale copy of famous artists...... Read More
" How to refresh an ex- dirty flatmatte's room to a nice little office in one day ? "
1-go to buy a little box of white paint + a big one of light pink
2- put some tape on the walls not to overflow with your brush.
3- play with the paint the whole day
4- when everything... Read More
Tin j en reviens pas que ta foutu ce vieux bazar dans la chambre... C est ma mere qui t as dit que c etait celle la que j employais?! Alors qui en a une autre, toute belle, toute neuve qui n attend que de prendre place...
saucisse fromage