Alright, the National Powwow yesterday was awesome!!!! My uncle came a lil late, but it was awesome!! Although having it at the MCI Center kinda sucked. It was way too small for the amount of dancers and tourists and vendors that showed up. I got myself a turquoise bone choker although I really love the turqouise one.
Wayne had fun too. I think he liked the music the best, but the lengtrh of the dance contests might of bothered him a lil. I don't think he's ever been exposed to Native American culture like that.
Seeing the all the people that showed up and the dancers in the Grand Entry made me tear up a little bit. I'm very proud of my heritage and I take this kind of stuff seriously. My mom and dad had fun too, I think more or less because it was a culture shock for them. My dad grew up in a semi-Native culture only because he was always aware of his ancestry. I didn't know where I came from until I was about 7 or 8 when I asked them. And although I've got Cherokee and Navajo in me, it doesn't really show except for the bone structure in my face.
So anywho, it's almost time for dinner. Em's cooking tonight. She's making chicken flautas and mexican rice with roasted corn. I love having a culinary roommate!
Wayne had fun too. I think he liked the music the best, but the lengtrh of the dance contests might of bothered him a lil. I don't think he's ever been exposed to Native American culture like that.

Seeing the all the people that showed up and the dancers in the Grand Entry made me tear up a little bit. I'm very proud of my heritage and I take this kind of stuff seriously. My mom and dad had fun too, I think more or less because it was a culture shock for them. My dad grew up in a semi-Native culture only because he was always aware of his ancestry. I didn't know where I came from until I was about 7 or 8 when I asked them. And although I've got Cherokee and Navajo in me, it doesn't really show except for the bone structure in my face.
So anywho, it's almost time for dinner. Em's cooking tonight. She's making chicken flautas and mexican rice with roasted corn. I love having a culinary roommate!