Will I be seeing anyone on the 26th? Do you have a date yet?

Because Portland Memorial Mausoleum is an annual formal event now and we may as well have our parents rent limos to have brunch in Sellwood.

And I'll be there stag, stood-up or serendipitous.


So @morgan tagged me to do this over eight years ago and I'm only getting around to it now... I'm posting the questions verbatim from 2006 except where there are parentheses.

1. As *nsync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?

Doubt. Enough for you, me and everyone we know.

2. If...
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I have such a soft spot for myspace-esque personal surveys. and this satisfied that. fully.

If I could squeeze through the cracks even the smallest of spaces could be paradise but all I see are gaping chasms.

Wow that would sound bad if I was talking about relationships.


There was entirely too much future and past tonight. It makes it hard to see the present.

Instead of sleeping I'm buying songs I personally associate with breakups. Because I act against my own interests in predictable, boring fashions.


I don't know what color I want to paint in. Feel free to list colors and combinations not listed.

(I think the red/blue turned out too Obama postery)

And please remind me to use my art show profits for a new computer and scanner. I feel like a pauper.


I think I'll spend most of tomorrow painting deer skulls with blood pouring out the eyes. Keep my head down, try not to think about romance. Yup.


is too many.

On the other hand, would it be better to dream of the possible?

Some people can't be saved.

A friend of mine likes to stop drinking for the month of February (because of it's shortness) and so I thought I would as well. I fear/hope that without nutrients/detriments my liver will absorb everything and anything, creating a black hole.

But there's also...
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But I can't find my red lucky-lefty scissors and it makes me want to go berserk.

If this ends up posting eight times I will be even more disgruntled than I am already.


And so I spent more of my time with a kneaded eraser today than anyone should.

ADDED BONUS; there was a sad, drunk haiku left days ago in the subject field from the last time I tried to post:

The dreams of children

The memories of ghosts

Who were we back then

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I thought I renewed my account but it says I'm expired but I still seem to have full access...