I happened to glance upon TMNT playing on television, saw a blog post regarding it, and then airports came up once in conversation and then online and miraculously it triggered an ancient memory of my mother buying me a flimsy paperback of the novelization of TMNT2: Secret of the Ooze and how I was young enough to relish every second of that reformatted screenplay, and still finished reading it before the plane took off. A story I'm sure any HuffFeed BuzzPost journalist could spin into a month's rent but sadly my ability and interest in writing peaked... a year or two after SG was started and then died the year Twitter was created.
More Blogs
mind the gap
I sit in the epitome/epicenter of rural celebrations, the eye of … -
A toast to happiness, may we always cling to and strive towards it
You just can't help but stay awake in the last deepest quiet of th… -
Maybe I should have asked Santa for a new scanner
Anyway, throwing money at the art supply store followed by throwin… -
It's been a long two days.
I know I shouldn't like glass frames with no lenses but I hope… -
Tonight I very much want my very own moving castle (a' la How… -
Maybe this isn't the best website to be on when I'm feeling particu… -
I feel compelled to say The Last Unicorn was playing at my … -
It's my Birthday.
Let's go clubbing. -
Not so much with the Procrastination today
I give it another day to do the horns, shade the dress, finish blen… -
Today I decided to organize my safety pins instead of working on my…