I happened to glance upon TMNT playing on television, saw a blog post regarding it, and then airports came up once in conversation and then online and miraculously it triggered an ancient memory of my mother buying me a flimsy paperback of the novelization of TMNT2: Secret of the Ooze and how I was young enough to relish every second of that reformatted screenplay, and still finished reading it before the plane took off. A story I'm sure any HuffFeed BuzzPost journalist could spin into a month's rent but sadly my ability and interest in writing peaked... a year or two after SG was started and then died the year Twitter was created.
More Blogs
Should anyone find this:
Yes. I was here, again. Briefly. At this point in time my last ba… -
PLEASE HELP. I need a second opinion
Just drawing 3 major arcana puts me in panic mode. Please tell me t… -
All my gorgeous amazing testimonials from all my gorgeous amazing f… -
I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking...
Back in the graveyard of a well spent youth. Overgrown with unrecog… -
7:00am and running out of things to keep busy
I sometimes have this issue in Winter where I can't sleep but neve… -
I'm dumping every stupid idea I don't want my friends to see here:
Idea for next self-portrait: Riding on top of half of an anci… -
I happened to glance upon TMNT playing on television, saw a blog po… -
Once upon a time in 2004:
Somewhere lost in the Necropolis of SG<3.0. a boy made a w…