That's really the main question here but did you also know Penn Jillette and Neil Gaiman were friends? I just found that out literally seconds ago.
Also, note to self: Blog titles, not case sensitive...
Brrrrrrr, is rather a bit different than BrrRrrRr.
I want to be The Earl of Lemongrab for Halloween, but I did that last year. And the head got busted and I don't have it anyway. Sadly not a single picture was taken that night. All I have is a partial Instagram of the head and a juicebox of white wine with a crazy straw in it.
Anywho, I'm even wearing my Lemongrab shirt today. Shit. Why didn't I ever take a selfie wearing the shirt AND the mask? Moron. That would have been hashtag gold.
Oh well, off to drink whiskey, procrastinate my favourite holiday some more and slowly catch up on tattoo design commissions.