That will more or less summarize what I've done the past... two? three? maybe four years. Or maybe just how I spent my Valentine's last week.
Zombies can't count you know. Or own decent cameras. I'm fairly cetain that picture came off a blackberry I generally see sitting in puddles of mixed booze and in dubious hands.
My apologies, I was sucked into a contest, a race if you will; between this fake plastic account and an honest update.
I'll try to make another fake plastic update with pictures of things that are of interest, like previously mentioned T-shirt Hell trophies par example'. I'm wearing one now and I'm rather fond of all of them.. except the one.
Wishing you rivers of blood and years of darkness,
Yeah, me not that great at re-connecting either. I put that up a few month ago and have not done much. It's pretty quite on here it seems anyway. Too many other choices on the interwebs these days I suppose. Other than that I'm doing pretty good. I was supposed to head out to San Diego tomorrow but I'm not feeling like driving that far at the moment so I don't think I'm going. That and one of my last credit card companies decided it was in their best interest to lower my limit, which was smart of them but bad for me. So now I really can't afford to go anyway. Other than that, still living with Corinne and getting by. Trying to build up a little craft company but obviously not making cash as of yet. Oh well hopefully it will pay off in the near future. You?
I get Forrest next weekend! I am oh so happy!