Ok so I have the tattoo bug itching at me again. Constantly want new tattoos, but every once in a while it gets real bad.
I can't decide what to do though. Either continue the tribal on the right arm and finally add in the highlander blue knots to it. Downside, i'd have to get off my ass (figuratively) and desing it all.
That, or start the work on my left arm. More colourful, perhaps Hellsing inspired three quater. I know I should probably just finish the right arm first and THEN move on, but hey, i'm an impatient fucker.
I can't decide what to do though. Either continue the tribal on the right arm and finally add in the highlander blue knots to it. Downside, i'd have to get off my ass (figuratively) and desing it all.
That, or start the work on my left arm. More colourful, perhaps Hellsing inspired three quater. I know I should probably just finish the right arm first and THEN move on, but hey, i'm an impatient fucker.
Post pictures of your tattoo when you get it
It'll be going in the tattoos folder for sure.