Well I think my time here is almost up. I'm not sure when my exact cut off date is, but i know it's very soon. Being the fresh out of highschool kid I am I don't have a check or credit account, but I shall return eventually. I think I can say that I enjoy the SG community as much as, if not more than, the girls. Though the girls are all beautiful and many are quite nice as well. I regret not being able to get more involved. Hopefully i'll be back.
My last contribution will be to recommend some music, something everyone that knows me has to endure. I'll make you a mix cd if you're nice.
This Is The EndThe Felix Culpa
My last contribution will be to recommend some music, something everyone that knows me has to endure. I'll make you a mix cd if you're nice.
This Is The EndThe Felix Culpa
p.s. come to the sg chicago meet & greet in december. it promises to be good times, full of presents, drinking, stumbling, and make-outs.