Why am I getting so frustrated because I can't log into myspace. It says incorrect password, but I know it's the correct password. I even had it retrieve and e-mail my password so I know it's correct.
This is worse than quitting smoking, jeeze.
Purevolume is going to be my new myspace for awhile. Along with SG it should help me pass the time.
This is worse than quitting smoking, jeeze.
Purevolume is going to be my new myspace for awhile. Along with SG it should help me pass the time.
Then again, SG is basically myspace but with less annoying 14 year olds and more nudity. Both of which are a plus.
1. I get really excited and decide to crowd surf.
2. I get groped by fat Irish dudes.
3. At least one friend gets severely injured in the pit.
4. I get groped by fat drunken Irish dudes.
5. I decide to jump in the pit anyway.
6. I get groped by fat drunken Irish dudes with no shirts on. Also the pit sucks.
7. I give up and go hang out by the merch table for the rest of the night, then avoid the color green for at least a month.
That said, the Dropkick Murphys are still wicked awesome.