Isn't it stressful to have to pretend to be someone you're not? Like when I go to visit my mom, I have to be a non-messy heterosexual nominally-christian-agnostic who thinks patriotism isn't stupid....when I get back here, the pendulum tends to swing back hard in the opposite direction, and every time I get a little more -- I guess you could say rebellious, but I'm not sure that's the word for just being who I am -- anyway.... ::rueful chuckle::
The thing is, I love her like crazy, I wouldn't be even as sane as I am without her, and that makes it really hard to cut the cord....but doing it in pieces takes so long....
The thing is, I love her like crazy, I wouldn't be even as sane as I am without her, and that makes it really hard to cut the cord....but doing it in pieces takes so long....