For all you geeks out there:

Go to your favorite file-sharing service and do a search for MC Hawking. Download whatever you can find.

I promise, you'll laugh your ass off....so if you like your ass where it is, don't listen to it. :-)
i like oaks they are the lollipops of the midwest...so noble and strong in their present day lonliness.

i like hemlocks they are determined even if they have the smallest cones in the forest. they grow in the shade nourished bye dead doug firs until one day...they take over.
Funny my as has moved on it's own in recent years.....too much hilarity in my life?
I love the hell out of UCSC, I have since I got here....but the quarter system has never failed to drive me loca. 10 weeks a class sounds nice, and it is....but just when you finally get settled into a schedule, you have to change it; just when you get used to how your professors or TAs grade, you get new ones. And fall really...
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A new addition to my "terrible disaster dream" repertoire: being trampled by a herd of maddened brachiosauri. (well, at least I know this one's not too likely ever to happen! lol)

maeda or anyone else who's reading, I hope I'm not passing this one on and nobody else has this dream. it was rather messy. :-|
Do you find that your favorite band depends on your mood? Like when I'm pissed off about something (which is probably more than it should be, lol) I like to blast the Deftones or Soundgarden, and when I'm feeling all feminine and dreamy it's Tori Amos or Portishead. The rest of the time....well, Tool can be appropriate to any occasion. Which is one reason they're...
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there, that's better.
Isn't it stressful to have to pretend to be someone you're not? Like when I go to visit my mom, I have to be a non-messy heterosexual nominally-christian-agnostic who thinks patriotism isn't stupid....when I get back here, the pendulum tends to swing back hard in the opposite direction, and every time I get a little more -- I guess you could say rebellious, but I'm...
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In a sharing mood.

T.S. Eliot: "Little Gidding", from st. V

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, remembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river...
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I know all of you care so very deeply....

so yes, my Halloween ruled. I stayed in, and got the house to myself all night! no trick-or-treaters, no nothing! (ut-oh, sociopathic tendencies showing....)

did I ever mention the only other girl in my house has a really incredibly annoying voice? (and laugh, and etc....when she leaves me notes, even her handwriting is annoying!) I don't...
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I feel that way all the time...except they don't often have pom poms...but sometimes I feel stupider for having listened to them speak...
like your IQ drops a point for every word out of their mouth? yup, been there. the chick in question doesn't actually have pom-poms either, but she should by rights.
Blessed Samhain, all.

I don't know what I'm gonna do tonight. I don't have a costume, I hardly ever do, so I'd feel silly going downtown and cruising around with all the people in costumes. Maybe I'll just do what I used to do, which is to go in regular shirt and jeans and tell anyone who asks, "I'm a witch, but pointy hats just...
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Hey deryn,

Hope you had fun on Halloween!

I also hope that the weather IS good enough next year. That "sandwitch" is a Great idea!! Ha!
oh my god, I just met this incredible girl, she's so cool....but she's at least three years younger than me. I'm not sure she's even 18. it feels weird.

but when have I ever let something being weird stop me? wink
nothing happened, unfortunately, mr. nosey tongue
Other people get to have dreams about having sex with gorgeous people or being a millionaire or their favorite team winning the Stanley Cup. Not me, oh no. I gotta have dreams about being caught in a tornado and getting driven headfirst through the side of a bus, or seeing a tsunami coming my way while at the beach and having nowhere to run, or...
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wow..i have those dreams too...planecrashes, tornados, hurricanes....
you are starting to spook me out.
how much can two people be alike???
::Twilight Zone music plays::
Yes, this is what college students do when they're supposed to be studying for their biochemistry midterm tomorrow morning which, if they don't pass the class, they won't graduate -- they look at girlie pictures online. Just goes to show my priorities in life, I guess. biggrin

And how bout those Giants! I don't give a rat's ass about baseball usually, but it's still cool they're...
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