Yay! Back! I trust all had a Merry Christmas, A Happy Chanukkah, a Krazy Kwanzaa, or a Solemn and Peaceful Ramaddan. Or just a good time. Anybody see the Life Aquatic yet? I want to. Saw True Romance, finally. Great movie. Happy to be home.
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Monday Jan 17, 2005
Yay...going grey for awhile...I'm also saving up to see a wonderful g… -
Friday Jan 14, 2005
Whee...I feel ill ! But someone just helped to lift my spirits... … -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
I must agree with others: 2005 is looking nice...especially the summe… -
Sunday Jan 02, 2005
Yay! Back! I trust all had a Merry Christmas, A Happy Chanukkah, a Kr… -
Sunday Dec 19, 2004
I shall be back the second of January. I though everyone might want t… -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
Whee! Stuff! Done with school this semester! I hate exclamation point… -
Monday Dec 13, 2004
I shall do something I swore I would never do, and post music lyrics.… -
Friday Dec 03, 2004
Yay!! My apathy has returned. Given a month to reflect on the America… -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
I've come to accept the folk (hippie) music into my life. It shall jo… -
Monday Nov 22, 2004
I'm receding into back into my folk stage. I've been listening to way…