Saturday Jan 25, 2003 Jan 25, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Napping is gooooood... VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS mora: hey there. i just saw the anime pic you did of bug. that's the coolest thing i've seen all weeks. props to you, job well fucking done. Jan 26, 2003 derezzed: Thanks! I'm planning on butsin' a few of those out every week, school workload permitting of course. Don't be surprised if you see yourself animeized too! Jan 26, 2003
i just saw the anime pic you did of bug. that's the coolest thing i've seen all weeks. props to you, job well fucking done.
I'm planning on butsin' a few of those out every week, school workload permitting of course. Don't be surprised if you see yourself animeized too!